Chapter 3

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*Liv POV*

He was just laying there, not moving nor responding to anything I did. His mates Luke, Calum, Michael and those slutty girls, were looking normal, why the drug didn't affect them like they are to Ashton. I knew something had to be wrong. I soon didn't have time to think about that, as Ashton squeezed my hand. He was responding. My heart skipped a few beats as his touch become soft and clear that he was awake and well.

"Ashton, it's Liv, can you hear me?" I said softly not wanting to scare him.

A small 'Mmmm' came from his soft pink lips. He looks so calm, sweat coming from his face, but at the same he looks so scared.

"I think I am going to take him back to my house, the party is over." I say firmly.

Everyone got the message pretty clear and left right away. I asked if the boys if they could help me got Ash, into his car. I climb into his car and start the car, wow It feels like a dream to be able to drive this. I drove all the way home with Ash in the back vomiting his guts out. Eww gross. I pulled up out the front of my house, lucky my family wasn't home, I was able to carry him into my house and get him onto my bedroom, before he vomited once again.

I was heading towards the bathroom when I hear Ash say something. I couldn't quite understand it. His voice, was so deep and raspy. Beautiful, is the only way I can see him. Shot Liv concentrate. I keep walking to the bathroom, when I hear his voice once more.

"Liv?" I wasn't hearing things, he was saying something. I quickly walk back to my room to find him wide eye, and slightly sitting up on my bed head.

"Ashton, your awake how are you feeling?" I didn't want to pressure or scare him too much.

"Yeah, I am fine... Where am I? What happened?"

"I took you home back to my house, and as for what happened well you took a drug and everything went spiral from there, it's a long story."

He just looked at me, not saying a word. Was he ok, maybe I shouldn't have told him what had happened to him just yet he is probably confused, an thinks I am crazy. But I'm far from it, I knew what had happened to him.

"You took me back to your house, to look after me, to make sure I was ok. Thank you"

I walked over to the bed and sat next to him. Close enough to feel him moving closer to me. He was so beautiful, so attractive, caring and sensitive. I was looking into his eyes so deeply, they were a deep green, and they made his facial features stand out even more.

"It's okay. More than happy to help. As long as you're feeling better."

As I was about to get up I felt his huge warm hand grab my wrist, and pull be back down to the bed, this time almost sitting on his lap, he clearly didn't mind. I did though.

"Thank you Liv, I am glad you came to the party." He said.

"That's ok, I wouldn't of been there to help you." I smiled back. "I am going to get changed, I shall be back soon I promise"

*Ashton's POV*

As she walked out of the bedroom, I felt something in my heart that I have never felt before. I don't know what it is, but it feel it when Liv is around, it's a beautiful feeling. I need to feel it more. She is beautiful, stunning, she is something that I have never seen before. She is so caring understanding, puts others first, is worried about other people's safety before her own. I must of lost track of time in my deep thoughts when Liv came back into the room in leggings and a t-shirt. I looked at the clock that was sitting on her bedside table, it read 1:45am. Wow it's been a long night I can see why she is ready for bed an looks super tired.

"I take it you want to sleep? Shall I leave?" I asked.

"No its fine really. I will take the couch. You stay here" She grabs a pillow and a blanket before looking at me and giving a weak smile. I can't let her sleep on the couch in her own home, that's not fair.

"Liv, it's your home, I'll sleep on the couch."

"No Aston, you stay in my bed, its fine really." As the words feel form her mouth, I had the idea that she could sleep in her bed with me.

"Why don't you sleep here with me?" I ask. Hoping that the answer would be yes.

"Umm, I don't think that's such a good idea, I don't want you to vomit on me. No offence." She said with a small grin on her face. "But I guess I can. It's my bed after all."

A huge smile formed on my face as she walked swiftly over to the other side of the bed and pulls the blanket down so that she can get in. Once she is in and settled I lay down next to her, not wanting to make a move in case she rejects me.

"Liv" I ask. "Don't you like me?" I really wanted to know her answer to this question, because ever since I met I she has acted really strange around me.

"I don't have a problem with you Ashton, it's just you are the first person who had spoken to me on my first day, so I was a bit scared, and thought that maybe you would pick on me because of my acc-" I cut her off by putting my finger up to her lips to stop her from talking.

"I think I get it Liv, and I would never pick on you, trust me. You're a beautiful girl, the most stunning I have ever seen. I would never intend on bulling you."

She smiled, a beautiful smile. It gave me Goosebumps, just looking at it. I knew that I hit something in her, because her checks went red. A cherry Red.

"Really? Why thank you Ashton, you're not too bad yourself. Goodnight."

I say my goodnight and watch her beautiful blue eyes disappear. She looks so delicate when she sleeps.

"I like you" I say under my breathe hoping that she didn't hear what I said.


It was 5:30 in the morning when I started to vomit, whatever drug I had taken I am not taking again, nor will I be doing drugs ever. If this is the affect they have then they can get fucked. Vomit just kept coming nonstop for about 10 minutes. Within seconds Liv was awake, looking like she had seen a ghost.

"ASHTON, OMG are you ok? How long have you been like this?"

"I'm fine Liv. Not too long, sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep."

"No Ashton, look at you, can I do anything for you"

"It's okay really, just please for me go back to sleep."

She looked at me once more before rolling back over and going back to sleep, I am thankful she listened to me. I turn around an take a look in her she isn't asleep and she knows that I have caught her cause she starts to giggle.

"I thought I said to go to sleep Liv"

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

Without thinking I turn her head to face me and look deep into her eyes, and smash my lips against hers. It was perfect, they moved together perfectly. Her soft lips were the perfect moisture for mine. It was deep and meaning full, so much passion behind it. I had just kissed the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

*Hey all, sorry this chapter isn't very good, but I have been doing this over 3 days. I will update my other book tomoz... as I am really tired.

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ILYs and all. X*

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