Chapter 5

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*Ashton's POV*

The moment she said yes to being my Girlfriend was the best feeling I have ever had in a long time. All the pain I was feeling just lifted off my shoulders. She was so beautiful, loving, understanding, kind, happy and loveable. How am I going to show her the ropes of life, when I don't have a life of my own? She deserves so much more than what I can give her, but yet she wants to be with me. I was in deep thought when I felt her presents disappear from beside me. I followed her with my eyes as she walked to the bathroom, my guess is to see the mirror. I made sure she was out of sight before I pulled my sleeve up to show my fresh and deep scares on my arms. You could see the older scares as well as the new ones. They hurt like hell and where stinging like crazy but I can't tell or show Liv them, she will freak out.

"Ashton! HELP ME!" Liv shouts. Oh god what has happened to her. I jump of the bed and run the bathroom. The door is shut, I grab the handle and turn it but it doesn't budge. Not a single bit. I turn it the other way and the same thing happens.

"Liv! Are you in there?" I yell trying to push the door down. No answer is heard. I push the door harder and it pushes open. I look around the room in a panic. She isn't anywhere to be seen, I feel my heart stop beating when I hear her scream. I look around but she isn't here. Just as I was about to run outside I hear her scream one more time.

"LIV! WHERER ARE YOU!" I yell looking around the whole bathroom for her. Then it hits me, the window. I run over to the window and see the window is open and the glass is smashed. My first thought is to run outside and yell out for her and cause a scene.

"Looking for someone? Liv is her name right?" A man says. His tone was quite deep and his figure was rather skimpy and gross looking. By the look of his skin he did drugs and smoked that was very clear. He had a lip ring in on the left side if his mouth. Gross. He leans against the wall post like he is top shit and owns the place. I feel the anger inside of me building up, I just want to knock this guy to the ground and kill him. Like I did with the other 3 guys that I have bashed to their death. That's what got me in trouble last time, I am trying to start a new slate and doing this won't help.

"Who are you? What have you done with Liv?" I say with a threatening tone.

"Oh, nothing she is going to love what I am going to do to her. She wrote you this letter before I took her away. Enjoy." He didn't even give me his name, he placed a piece of paper on the skin and walked away like he didn't just break the law. With the blink of an eye he was gone, just like that gone out of nowhere. I run after him, but I couldn't catch him in time. He jumped into some sports kinda looking car and drove off in a rush. He was going that fast that I count even get the number plate on the car, fuck what if Liv is in there. I will never see her again. The only other option I had at this point in time was to call the Police. I grab my phone out of my back pocket and call 911 (or 000 if you are Australian)

"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" The young lady says through the phone.

"Hi, a young man in his late teens early 20's has just took my girlfriend... He took off in a red sports car. No I wasn't able to take down the number plate he was driving to fast." I was just blurting out everything that I had just witnessed.

"Okay sir. What is your address and street name we will get someone down there right away. Just stay calm ok sir. I need to grab your name..." She wants my name, I can't tell her my name, I am a well-known criminal, if she knew I would be taken back to prison.

"Ashton Irwin. Mam" i hope the lord that she doesn't tell the cops to take me back to my cell. I don't want to be there for the crimes I have committed I have done my time behind bars now I am a free man.

"Okay... Ashton just stay calm the police are on their way now. What's your location?"

"Umm, 12 Bruce Dr." I am not 100%sure if the number is right but I will soon find out I guess. The lady stays on the phone with me till the police arrive...

*Liv's POV (SHORT)*

I walk up to the bathroom to see what damage Ashton has left in the mirror. I look at the mirror and I know right away that it's going to have to be replaced. He smashed it pretty hard. I move a part of the smashed glass mirror but cut my hand instead causing it to bleed uncontrollably. I need to treat this right away. Being a part of a family who mum is a nurse and dad is a doctor I learnt how to deal with a lot of issues that can occur in the home. I pulled out the FIRST AID kit and took out the bandage and cloth. I wet the cloth enough for it to clean up the dry blood that was forming around the wound.

"Agh. You're the one I need." I voice says. A man a rather young man is standing in the bathroom, and I know it's not Ashton.

"Can I -"he covered my mouth with a cloth and duck tapped it there so it wouldn't fall and tied my hands up with rope behind my back. The panic I was feeling was growing more and more by the seconds. I screamed out Aston's name hoping he would be able to heat me.

"Oh little Liv... he isn't going to hear you." He says in a rough tone. "Calum come and get our newest victim. She is a little feisty so be careful" he says being a smart ass and winks at me. Gross that's makes me want to be sick. This other young man comes to collect me and drags me into the back of this fancy sports car of some sort.

"Enjoy your sleep little lady." And bang everything went black. I couldn't see anything nor hear anything. Everything was just gone, my eyes were moving rapidly but I couldn't feel my body. I was laying in this car loosing air to breathe every second that passed hoping that Ashton would come and get me out of here and tell me everything was going to be okay. Time was ticking and I knew he wasn't going to get here in time to save me.

* New chapter guys. Can't say much but I hope you all still stay and read things in this book will be getting very interesting.. COMMENT AND VOTE SHARE WITH FRIENDS.. I love you all my beautiful Jazz tappers and keep reading all my books it means a lot xx*

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