hey happy campers!

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Day one

My mom got me up early in the morning so I wouldn't be late for the registration. She drove me to where the bus and sign up was, gave me a kiss goodbye, and sent me off. Quickly I went up to the table where people were signing in and made sure that my name was there and I wouldn't be left behind. I'm not sure why but I had some strange feeling that I wasn't actually registered, maybe I secretly wished that my name wasn't on that list.

"Cyrus!" Andi said, scaring me.

"Jesus Andi you know how jumpy I can be."

"Sorry, I'm just so excited! I cant wait to spend four weeks with my best friends away from parents, and schools, and teachers. This is going to be the greatest summer ever!"

"Yeah," I said, not exactly sure I thought that was true.

Once we met buffy and jonah at the bus we all got on and took our seats. I sat next to Jonah and Andi and Buffy sat together in the seat in front of us. I got a text about twenty minutes into the ride.

From Buff: did you tell jonah anything yet?

To Buff: uh yeah something. i told him that im gay but absolutely nothing about my feelings. i don't need that kind of drama right before i have to be in such close proximity to him

From Buff: eventually you'll have to tell him. thats not really something that is okay to keep from a best friend.

To Buff: yeah well im not ready. plus its not fair to put something that heavy on him

From Buff: k.

"Cyrus get off your phone, the world is beautiful. Take a look," Jonah said, gesturing out the window to the trees, "What could possibly be more interesting on your phone than the great outdoors?" I just shrugged and looked back down. "No really, let me see what the big deal is." He reached for my phone and I quickly pulled back.

"No!" I yelled kind of loudly, "Um, It's really nothing.I'm just texting someone." I didn't want to tell him I was texting Buffy because he'd just question why I didn't say it to her over the seats.

"Who? Your mom? Because as far as I know the only people you talk to are sitting right here." He wasn't wrong about that one.

"Uh, it's someone else. Nobody on this bus."

"Are you talking to a guy?" He questioned with a cute smirk, nudging me on the arm. I quickly shook my head no. "There has to be someone you like. It's high school, everyone has a crush." Little did Jonah Beck know I did have a crush, and he was sitting right in front of me.

"No crushes for me, not right now." We looked out the window for a while before arriving at the camp.

There were tons of cabins and a big building right in the middle that looked like it was the main meeting place for the camp. When the bus was stopped everyone stood up and got off. Me and Jonah headed to our cabin while Andi and Buffy went to theirs. Our bunk was empty when we got in it, the West Burrow bus wouldn't be arriving for a half hour or so, but the Willow Creek kids were already here. There was a required meeting for each school and the Shadyside one started in five minutes so we quickly unpacked and went to the main building.

Right next to the main hall was a swimming pool that was under some sort of glass enclosure, and there was an area for eating and hanging out. Me and Jonah saw the girls standing outside and when we all met up we took our seats in the seating area.

"Hey happy campers!" An overly enthusiastic counselor said, trying to get a grip on the riled up teenagers in front of her. "Welcome to Red Pine Summer Camp! For the next four weeks we're going to have a lot of fun doing some fun summer activities. As you know the first week is dedicated to Frisbee," Jonah smiled, "Week two we'll be having a lot of fun on the lake doing some water sports like swimming, paddle boarding , and canoeing," Me and Jonah shared a laugh at the last option, remembering our last time in a canoe. "The third week we're going to get creative and learn all about making crafts using materials from nature." Andi gave Buffy an 'I told you so' look, "And our final week will be spent roughing it and camping for real, so make sure you savor your time in the cabins because during week four those are off limits and everyone gets to sleep in tents! Weekends are no structure days, you can do whatever, weather it pertains to the weeks activities or not. If you have any questions you can ask me, your head counselor Raven, or any of our other counselors. There is a handbook available in the main hall that goes more into depth about the activities we'll be engaging in every week. For now you can finish unpacking, figure out your way around the camp, and make some new friends! We'll see you all back here tonight for the first campfire. there's going to be one every night, and the last night we'll have a huge bonfire with music and games. See ya!" Right as she stopped talking there was immediate chatter among all of the campers.

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