Chapter 2 Ren the manager and The idols begin

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17 years ago in past

It was at night time, where Otoya transformed into Kamen rider Kiva fighting a Silkmoth, with his hand combats and she fighting her spears.

He thrust his arm to palm strike on her chest forcing her goes stumbled back for a bit.

She turns glaring at Kiva in angrily.

Silkmoth: Damn you!

She using her spear to summoning all the energy blasts, firing at Kiva but he dodged jumping in the air, aim direction to her, he throws the powerful punch on her chest again, making her rolling on the ground.

She struggles to get up while glaring at Kiva, wiping out the dust on his hands, before turning to her.

Kiva: Let's finished the finisher shall we?

He placed his red fuestle place it on Kivat's mouth to finish up the finisher.

Kivat: Wake UP!

The sky turns crimson and the moon turns into crescent moon in the sky. Kiva kicked his right leg up as for Kivat fly around to release a chains on it. To reveal a bat red wing with three emeralds gems embedded in his shin.

Kiva than launch himself by his left leg, did turn in the air aiming to Silkmoth fangire. Shoot him in the high speed, painful kick in the chest, and pinned straight on the ground, leaving scar of the symbol of Kiva.

Making Silkmoth fangire's body into crystallize in different colors before shattered into likes a glass, leaving his soul orb flies out of his body.

The bat red wing revert back where it's seal in the chain, while the seal flying away suddenly there is a dragon head caught sallow it, the body is castle.

The bat red wing revert back where it's seal in the chain, while the seal flying away suddenly there is a dragon head caught sallow it, the body is castle

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This is Castle Doron whiles, it's flied away to disguised as a building.

Kiva reverted back into Otoya, while Kivat flying around in the air, he smirking about defeating a fangire.

Until his phone gets vibrated and he picks it up revealing who calling Otoya is his father, Wataru.

Otoya: Hi dad! Oh just wanted to see grandmother for celebrating of grandfather and grandmother to birth of Bloody rose. Yeah, I'll be their, so thanks dad.

He hangs up his phone and stretching his arms while releasing the sound of joy.

Otoya: Man, that was fun, let's go Kivat!

Kivat: Yeah!

While Otoya and Kivat walking away to getting home.

(Cue Break the Chain)

(Instrumental music) As the music was playing, in the main room of Castle Doron Bloody Rose on the chair while a roses petal falls on everywhere, changes a scene while Kiva walking through in hallways of Castle Doron, he picks it up. The tones changes Kiva turns face to face at a screen. Blowing a rose petal, revealing Ren shut his eyes changes to Kiva was flying upside down with his leg red wings bat opened.

Kamen rider Kiva x Love Live Project Bloody SkyWhere stories live. Discover now