Chapter 13

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Krystal's P.O.V

"Soojung, let's go take some snacks," my sister invited me. I just nodded and followed her.

We chatted and eat together. Without realising, the opening night was over. The continuation's freedom was over too. "Bye unnie!" I gave my sister a hug, a long and warm hug.

"Take care of yourself. If there are problems, you must tell Kris or Victoria. They will help you in any trouble," my sister began, "you guys will, right?" Kris and Victoria nodded. Would I meet my sister again? Pft. Of course I will! But that question fell out of my mouth.

"Will I meet you again?" I asked with a shaky voice. "Of course you will, dum-dum!" my sister chuckled with tears flowing from my eyes. Her soft hand touched my cheek. She erased my tears. But no use, it kept flowing and I cried even harder.

"Stop crying, Soojung. You didn't cry this hard when I went away from the USA which is miles away futher than when I'm here," she said with a weak smile. I couldn't reply. I just kept crying on her shoulder.

"Jessi!" someone shouted, obviously its Fany sunbae but she stopped once she saw us, "Oops, I'm sorry." "No, no, it's alright," I said as I erased my tears, "take care of yourself, unnie." "You too!" she give me her smile. Would I meet her again? Of course I would! Stop thinking stupid things, Soojung!

"Soojung? Let's go back to our room," Vic sunbae invited me. I just nodded. "Take care. Victoria will help you. I will too!" I heard a sound. This must be Kris sunbae's sound. "Ne. Kamsahamnida sunbae," I smiled weakly.

Vic sunbae and I walked in silence to our dorm. "Soojung, don't worry, everything will be fine. Don't be that sad," Vic sunbae said, trying to comfort me. I ignored her. Very bad right?

"Soojung, better you clean yourself and then go to sleep. Be cheerful tomorrow! It's your first day school!" Now, I listen to her. She's right; I need to be happy tomorrow. At least I shouldn't have puffy eyes.


I woke up. Its 6.45 AM. Vic sunbae was not on her bed. She must've been awake. "Vic sunbae!" I called her name. No answer. I wondered where she is. I cleaned myself quickly and wore my uniform.

Still wondering where was Vic sunbae, I took a peek from the window. A girl with the same uniform like me and a boy with the same uniform like me, just different colour and the bottom, obviously, were talking to each other. I took a closer look. Its Kris sunbae and Vic sunbae, they looked so serious. What were they talking about?

After sometime, they said bye to each other. Kris sunbae went to the other side of the dorm while Vic sunbae came inside. "Oh, hey Soojung! You have wake up and prepared?" she asked me. "Yeah. Sunbae, what are you talking about with Kris sunbae before?"

"Huh? Nothing. You dont need to know about it!" she smiled. "Let's go! Breakfast is waiting!" she called me out.


We arrived in front of the dining room. We saw Luna sunbae and we called her, obviously.

"I'll go take food first, Soojung, stay here and take care of our stuff," Luna sunbae instructed. I nodded.

"Hey! Soojung!" someone called my name. It's Joy. I should greet her back. "Hi Joy!" I continued, "Want to eat with us?" "It's an honor," she did a curtsey with a tray of food on her hand and giggled.

"Soojung, your turn! Go take some food!" Luna sunbae called me. "Hello sunbae," Joy greeted. "Ah! Hello! You did a great performance yesterday," Vic sunbae praised her. "Thank you," she blushed.

I went take my food in the food corner. Wow, today they served my sister's favourite food! I wished she was here so I could give her some.

"You miss your sister again?" a voice came to my mind. Baekhyun sunbae, it must be him. I turned around. Yes it's him! Great guess, Soojung!

"Yea, I really miss her," I replied. "If you wanna bring this food for her, you can pass it to Kris," he said. "Really? Thank you sunbae," I said and bowed at him.

"Don't be so formal! Drop that sunbae," he said, "Go grab an empty lunch box!" I nodded. I brought my tray of food to our table where Vic sunbae, Luna sunbae and Joy sat.

"Sunbae, I'm going to my dorm. I wanna grab an empty lunch box!" I said hurriedly and directly ran to my dorm.

I came back hurriedly and took some food for my sister. I looked around for Kris sunbae but I couldn't see him. "Hey," a deep voice called from behind me while he patted my shoulder. "Ah!" I shouted and looked around, luckily the food didn't fall. "Kris sunbae! You make me shock," I said. "Sorry," he said and chuckled.

"By the way, sunbae, I heard from Baekhyun sunbae that if I want to give something to my sister, I can pass it to you." He nodded. "So, I wanna pass this to my sister," I said and handed him the lunch box. "Okay, I'll pass this to her," he said. "Thank you sunbaenim," I bowed at him.

I went back to my seat and ate my food. I felt a lot happier than before. Of course yes because I could give something to my sister.


"Soojung, Joy, you guys better hurry up because its 7.45. You guys need to walk to your own class and must arrive at 8, remember?" Vic sunbae reminded us.

"Really? Then Joy and I will go now. Thank you sunbaenim. Bye!" I said while holding Joy's wrist and we ran towards the dining room door. We went to our class rack and grabbed our bag then we went hurriedly to our class.

Krystal JungWhere stories live. Discover now