Chapter Five.

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I haven't updated in awhile, but here it is! :) again, thanks to everyone who has been reading this. <333 


"THIS IS THE MOST ANNOYING RINGTONE EVER. VAS HAPPENIN. VAS HAPPENIN. AAHHHHHH. AJASJEKQNDJEKQK." I shot out of bed and instantly felt my head pounding. I grabbed my phone and put it on silent without looking who was calling me. God damn it my head hurts like a bitch. And that IS the most annoying ringtone ever. I need to change it. I rested my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes. Last night was so fun! For my first time at a club, it was freaking amazing. If I did this back home I know my parents would never have approved of it. I actually kinda miss them scolding me when I do something stupid. I guess I have Dan and Liam for that now. After a few minutes I grabbed my phone to see who called me. 

20 missed calls from Ashlyyn. 

How does she call 20 times in 5 minutes?! Jesus. Her name popped up again and I answered. 

"Seriously Ash? I have a massive headache and you calling me every 2 seconds isn't helping!" I rubbed my temples and waited for her apology. 

"Cole, I'm going to visit you!" Wut. 

"SERIOUSLY?! OHMYGOD WHEN?!" I can't believe she's coming! I miss her so much. And me screaming mad my headache worst. 


"WHAT HAPPENED?!" Zayn ran into my room with a hair brush in his hand. 

"Uhh.. I'm fine Zayn I'm just talking to Ash. What died on your head?" His hair looked like it had went through a tornado.

"Shut up!" He groaned and walked back to his room. Weird. 

"OHMYGOD ZAYN!! IM GONNA MEET ONE DIRECTION! FUCK YEAH!" I had to move my phone away from my ear. That girl screams loud. 

"Nice to know your excited to see me." I rolled my eyes and she laughed. 

"Of course I am! I miss you love! Oh and I'm going in 2 days so I'll be there for your birthday!" Oh yeah. I forgot. That's probably the reason why shes coming.

"Don't get too excited you might hurt yourself." She said and I felt like slapping her. I mean, I'm excited to turn 17 and all, but I don't want everyone to make a huge deal out of it, which I know they will. 

"Well, I'm gonna tell Dan that your coming so we can go pick you up from the airport! You're gonna love the Caribbean, the beaches are BEAUTIFUL." 

"CARIBBEAN?! My plane goes to London!" Oh shit. I should have probably told her that we're not in London. 

"Uhm okay is there any way you can sell the ticket? And then Dan can get you a ticket for the airport here and everything will be fine!" I hope Dan and Simon are still around. 

"Alright! I can do that. Call me when you tell Dan alright?" I agreed and she hung up. I walked downstairs and Dan and Simon were talking in the living room. Good.

"Hey Dan?" He turned around and smiled at me. 

"Yes, love?" '

"Ash called me and said that she's coming to visit me, but she didn't know that we were in the Caribbean so she got a plane ticket to London and I was wondering if you can get one for her to come here?" He looked like he was thinking, then he looked at Simon and nodded. 

"I brought my jet here, and I'm gonna leave later today for Los Angeles. I'm sure my pilot wouldn't mind bringing her here." Well she's gonna LOVE this. 

"Cool! Can you just write down the details so I can give to her??" 

"Sure." He took out a paper and pen and started writing. He handed me to paper and gave me a hug. 

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