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Ayyy anyone else find the last chapter shitty? Especially my appalling try at a cliffhanger?


"Sorry I'm late, i got lost on the path of life"...or rather anime.


Naruto gasped as he clutched the sheets tighter. He was faintly aware of someone calling out to him, but he couldn't take his eyes of the glistening knife that lay at his table. He could almost cry at the memories, the people it brought back.He shut his eyes tightly and breathed. 

Once. Twice. Thrice.


He opened his eyes, which widened in surprise when there was no knife. His eyes held disbelief as he scrambled over to the table, messing up the whole bed. He ran his hand over the table top and looked around it.

Did he actually just...imagine it?

Maybe he was actually on the verge of madness. He looked at Sasuke who just stood there with a confused expression on his face. He was going to ask Naruto if he was alright when he (Naruto) started crying. 

To say that Sasuke was shocked would be an understatement. He didn't know why but he felt the urgent need to calm down Naruto. Maybe it was because he had never actually seen him cry, and he was the last person Sasuke would've expected to need consoling.

"Uh...Hey are you alright?" It came out more awkward than expected and Naruto just continued standing there, with a hand covering his face and crying.  Did Sasuke ever mention that Uchihas were absolutely terrible with vocal skills?

"What happened?" This seemed to wake him up from the sudden crying fit, and he shuffled towards his bed. He pulled back the curtains and buried himself in the blankets.

Sasuke couldn't decide whether he should go and talk to him or leave him alone for a while.

Eventually his Uchiha brain concluded that all Naruto needed was solitude. For a while. 


In the evening, Room 203 was visited by the current genins.

"Sasuke!" Ino lunged at him and Sasuke made a disgusted face which she totally ignored. There was a heap of flowers and bouquets on his table, including some get-well-soon cards. Sakura pried Ino away and told her to stay away from her Sasuke - kun.

Shikamaru stood there trying to arrange all the bouquets so that they wouldn't keep falling down while Choji munched on his snacks. Soo after, team 8 entered, but that girl-Hinata- wasn't with them. 

"How're ya doin Sasuke?" Kiba shouted as he flicked a card at the table, unsettling all the meticulously arranged bouquets, causing Shikamaru to glare at him.

"Fine." Sasuke replied.

Did they even know that Naruto was with him too? The thought angered him a bit, but even he wasn't sure why.

He never quite liked the dobe, but this Genjutsu might actually be affecting him more than he showed.

"Hey Naruto's here too right?" Kiba asked. Shikamaru looked over to the curtain and said " I think so."

"I thought I smelled him."Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, Choji and Shikamaru started making their way towards Naruto's bed, when for some sudden reason Sasuke blurted out "He's sleeping." The guys turned around and Sakura said, "He's here?". Shikamaru peeped over at Naruto and confirmed with a nod. 

Sasuke felt like at banging a head...not his, Sakura's. How could she ask such a question? Isn't she his team mate.... didn't she know? Of course she knew, Kakashi told her himself.

He resisted the urge to snap at her and soon after the crowd departed.

He looked over at Naruto's side. Was he alright? Sasuke decided to check for himself. He peeped himself and saw Naruto sleeping soundly. but what he also noticed was a bottle of pills on his table. And there was also a single small sunflower alongside it. This baffled Sasuke, as first, he was sure that no one had visited Naruto, second, he was awke the whole time and third, there sure as hell wasn't any flower or...medicines there.

He would've gone and checked what medicine it was exactly but at that moment Naruto squirmed under the sheets, and Sasuke decided against it. He would ask Naruto later.


Naruto smiled at the people crouching on his window sill. "Thank you." 

"No problem Naruto-san. Just get well soon, and anyways, this medicine is one the Uzumaki's so it belongs to you." The guy gave him a lopsided smile.

Naruto smiled at the small bottle in his hand. 

"Here Naruto, a flower that always faces the sun for the sun himself." The girl smiled brightly at him as he took the small and delicate gift. 

He smiled happily at her.

"Well, see you all later I guess." He said.

"Yeah, and those pills should help with the nightmares, k?" The guy said in a cautious and careful tone, that made Naruto want to reassure him.

Naruto nodded and smiled brightly as the figures retreated.



And done. Sorry for the wait guys.

I might've listed my terrible excuse up there.

Plus, I'd like to thank y'all for those encouraging comments and votes :D

OOOh, I saw Noragami and I totally recommend it. Do watch it.

Oh and, (let's not forget the daily ritual now)

Please vote, comment, share and follow!

P.S- How do ya like me profile pic? ISN'T IT ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE??! AAH...

Yours Truly,


P.P.s- It's raining here in the middle of summer for some reason...

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