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It's raining it's pouring the old man is snoring he bumped his head and DIED


Naruto stared at the old man and then like an idiot said, "You're who now?"

Immediately after saying that he realised his mistake and started sputtering and apology, but the man-Jiraiya- simply laughed.

"Nevermind. Now, what do ya want? An autograph? Maybe a picture? a book? Nah you're too young for that." he rambled on. Naruto repeated his name a few to times to get his attention but then when he ignored him for the fifth time he simply called him "pervy sage".

At that he stopped talking and looked at the boy with narrowed eyes. "Pervy who now?" making the blonde gulp. But then with a determined look he retorted with a smirk, "Do ya want me to go around the village calling you a pervy sage? And tell what you were...ya know, doing?". 

Jiraiya couldn't help but smile, "I was just researching. Ya know, for my books.". He looked as the boy slowly nodded his head with mock understanding. 

"reeaaally? Oh well." he crossed his arms and then asked Jiraiya an unexpected question. "How do I know you're actually Jiraiya?" . Jiraiya must have looked quite taken aback judging by the boy's smug smile. But he wasn't out of tricks yet; he regained his composure and then with unexpected speed punched the blonde in the stomach, jumped and flipped in the air and landed on the pole of the wooden bridge near the springs. He watched with contempt as the boy held his stomach and lay groaning. 

"Is that enough?" He asked with a smirk. "yeah, yeah" came the reply. With that Jiraiya got ready to resume his research but then the boy got up and asked him the one question he really didn't want to answer. 

"Will you train me?"He asked with  a pleading look.

"Aw hell no."  With that Jiraiya quickly shusinied away, leaving behind a stunned Naruto. 

He blinked. "What?"


While Jiraiya took refuge in a bar, Naruto walked back from the hot springs looking for the old man. 


Suddenly, he got an idea, and with an evil grin he ran back to the village. Given his pervy nature he would most likely be in places Naruto would usually avoid. As soon he reached the place he began looking for the Tad Sage crying "Oi! PERVY SAGE! PEEERVVVYYY SAAAGGEEE!!!" 

With a wide grin he ran around the whole place shouting at the top of his lungs. He stopped right in front of the bar, where Jiraiya was sitting and shouted once again, which caused Jiraiya to spit out the drink he was currently enjoying. 

"Huh? pervy sage?" One of women next to him asked. 

"Uhh ladies, excuse me but," he flashed a big smile "I've got some work.".  

With that he dashed out of the shop and grabbing the blonde by his collar, dragged him away from that place. Once they were far away, Jiraiya let go of the struggling boy.

"Oi! What was that for?" he asked, and Jiraiya couldn't help but think of Kushina and her antics. 

"What's your name?" Jiraiya asked. Namikaze or Uzumaki?

"Glad that you asked Mister. I am Naruto Uzumaki, and someday I'm gonna be Hokage!".

Jiraiya couldn't suppress his smile and ruffled the boy's hair. He looks exactly like Minato, but acts like Kushina, he thought fondly.

"So why do you want me to train you?" he questioned.

"Well, of course because you're like, one of the best ninjas, one of the legendary sannin and you taught Lord Fourth!" He finished with a wide smile.

Jiraiya took a deep breath and then asked the blonde to follow him. They soon reached an empty field. Jiraiya sat down and motioned for Naruto to do the same. 

"What do you want to learn?" he asked. 

"Rasengan." came the immediate reply. "Wait what? I mean, who told you about it?" Jiraiya was quite surprised that the boy even knew about it. 

Naruto crossed his arms and then with a sigh looked up at the Sannin with a serious look. "You wouldn't believe me." 

"Of course I would!"

"A little birdie." with that he earned a smack on his head. "owww." he held the side of his head and frowned up at the old man, "What was that for? Of course I read it somewhere!"

Jiraiya smiled at the blonde and gave him a look that he couldn't quite decipher and then stood up. Naruto looked carefully at him. 

Look look. He's gonna do it. 

No shit Sherlock.

Tch. Just watch.

Jiraiya held out a hand and soon a small rotating orb of blue chakra formed in his palm with relative ease. He then walked to  the nearest tree  and smashed the orb into the tree.The aftermath of that blow was a huge round crater like hole left on the tree. 

What did that tree ever do to you?!!! He wanted to shout, but only managed to gape. 

"How?" He finally managed to ask.

"I dunno," Jiraiya replied with a lopsided grin like he was about say something punny-"Just compress and spin."

And at that Naruto groaned and fell back on his back with  frustrated groan. "OH COME ON"

Inside him, Kurama roared with laughter. 

"What?" Jiraiya asked genuinely confused, after he didn't know....

"Nothing, it's just...nevermind.". He got up, dusted his pants and then began trying to create a rasengan. 

____________A FEW HOURS LATER_____________________________________________

Naruto lay on his back watching the sun set. Beside him Jiraiya sat holding a popsicle. 

However much he wanted to taste that delicious cool delight, he couldn't even hold it properly, not with his shaking arms. 

"I think I have a better way of doing this, BUT." he looked sternly at Naruto, and for the briefest moment it felt like that a parent would give their child. "Tomorrow. You need to rest for now."

Slowly he helped Naruto get up and offered him the popsicle, which he savored.

he looked up at the sky, watching stars take the their places in the dark sky. He tried to remember any other time when he had felt this safe and happy with someone. he couldn't remember.

"Is this for the chunin exams?" The sage asked him and Naruto nodded. 

Is this how it felt to have someone who cared?



Heyya my friends! I really wish I could update more often!

Ain't got anything interesting to say except



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Yours Truly,


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