Chapter 17

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Alana's POV:

"I'm home and I brought pizza!" Liz yells chirpily through the house while Luke and I lay on the lounge, he sleeps as I play with his hands.

Liz walks into the room holding two pizza boxes, giving me a smile as she looks at the both of us.

"Hey Liz." I say softly not wanting to wake Luke.

"Hey Darl. Dinner's ready when you want." She tells me kindly.

"Thank you." I reply as she heads into the kitchen.

"Luke wake up." I say as I kiss his soft lips.

He's eyes suddenly flutter open and his lips curve into a smile.

"You can wake me up like that anytime." He smiles as he stretches out, causing me to giggle slightly.

"Dinner is ready you goof ball." I say which makes Luke jump up off the lounge and run into the kitchen.

I follow him into the kitchen and take a seat next to him but across from Liz. We all take a plate and a slice of pizza.

"How was your day?" Liz asks us.

"It was alright." I smile back at her.

"That's good. I rang the police station today and they said to come down early tomorrow morning." Liz tells me, making me gulp for air a little.

"Mum, don't." Luke tells her.

"I'm sorry darl, I just want you to be safe and I want to see this pass." Liz insists as I sit there uncomfortably.

"Stop Mum." Luke says this time raising his voice.

"Excuse me." I whisper as I excuse myself from the table and leave to room.

I walk out onto the back patio to get some fresh air, I look across the yard and see a light on in my house as Mum walks past sipping her tea that she always has before bed. Seeing Mum makes me realise how much I've actually missed her and how close we use to be back at home in Queensland and that's when it all hits me hard. I start crying once again as I lean on the railing for support, bowing my head so it also rests on the railing.

"Babe?" Luke coos from the door as he opens it and steps out into the night air to join me.

"Is everything ok?" He asks softly as his hand touches my back.

"Does it look like everything's ok?" I say almost angrily are I turn around to face him as he stands there shocked.

"I-I'm sor..." He goes to say but I cut him off.

"No I'm sorry. I'm just really scared and I miss my Mum." I cry as my bottom lip quivers.

"I know you are and I'm here for you, you don't need to hide anymore." He whispers softly as he cups my face wiping my tears before he pulls me into a hug.

"You don't have to go to the police station tomorrow if it's going to make you uncomfortable." He tells me.

"No, I need to go. I just need you to stay with me the whole time because I can't do this alone." I say calming down slightly as I look up into his blue eyes.

"Of course I will. I'll stay with you forever." He replies and I can't help but give him a kiss in reply.

"Sorry." I reply pulling back not sure why I'm apologising.

"Don't be sorry you weirdo. You're aloud to kiss me you know? I am your boyfriend." He tells me making me giggle slightly as I wipe away the last tears.

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