Ch. 1- spikes could fix a monday

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Hey! First chapter! Yay! There's probably tons of grammar errors, but oh well, I tried. Have fun reading it.

Bakugo hated Mondays. Fucking hated them. They were worse than Sundays when he was forced to go to Sunday mass at the asscrack of dawn. Worse than doing boat-loads of homework at 3 am, living off of espresso and Red Bull all night. Worse than being told that you had to work a double shift because one of the annoying fuck-ups you work with had a wedding to go to, and you barely get any extra pay. In short, Monday's did not do Bakugo any justice.

Especially when you have to take the night shift, and get little to no sleep so your eyes are heavy and heaving, trying there absolute hardest just to stay open.

Yeah. Bakugo was having an amazing time.

Not to mention, this was all taking place during summer. Fucking summer. Instead of working his ass off, he should be swimming with his shitty friends, or going on vacation with the old crusty things he called his parents. Maybe going to a summer camp, or at least doing something remotely close to fun.

But no.

He has to get off his lazy ass and bus some tables for little to no pay, just to get a goddamn car. A car. That's all he's asking for, and his shitbag parents are making him pay for it. He would rather do something else to get it like, bribe his parents with good grades or clean the house every weekend, but they were set on not paying for it. That really sucked for Bakugo because that meant that this job was his only way. It was either ride a fucking bike everywhere like he was already doing -and it was quite embarrassing- or do this job and buy the car that he so badly desired. And as you can see, he chose the latter.

After Bakugo finished sulking, he walked over to kaminari, catching him right as he finished up cleaning the tables. They were friends, at least kaminari thought so, but Bakugo didn't really have 'friends' per say. He just kinda had people that he disliked less than others and was mostly seen around them.

"Hey man! Good to see you!" Kaminari stuck out his hand and and they did the signature 'bro hug'. Kaminari seemed a little too joyful today, like he had just won the lottery or something. He didn't seem like his narcissistic self, like there was something else to talk about for once that didn't pertain to him. Bakugo was surprised.

His companion seized his phone from his pocket, looking down at the glowing screen, subconsciously smiling at the device.

"You seem fucking happy," the blonde stated, putting his hands behind him, leaning back against a chair. He stood there, waiting for an explanation. Kaminari finally got the message, setting his phone down, and looking back up at the fiery blonde in front of him.

"Oh yeah, I have some things to tell you," he started. Bakugo nodded for him to go on. "Well first off, rumor has it that there's a new kid in town thats gonna be in our class in the fall. He's taking the place of mineta, you knows ... after what happened," he paused, clearly not wanting to relive that thought. Just thinking about it made Bakugo cringe too.

It all started a couple days before winter break when everyone was winding down, slowing lowering their guard. Everyone was all relaxed, so no one really expected this to happen, but with mineta, you never know.

The Thursday before they got out, everyone was in the common room, just chilling, watching movies and eating popcorn. It was known that this get together was happening and everyone had agreed to it, but the only one who wasn't there was the nasty purple fucker. Everyone noticed of course, but didn't complain because it was mineta they were talking about here.

After watching all of the Studio Ghibli movies they could find, they all decided to call it a day and go shower. So they did. Big fucking mistake. Next thing we know, the school finds hundreds of pictures of all of us showering on the shitbags laptop. He was expelled the next day. Since then, they've had an empty spot in class 1-A and he never thought it would be filled until now.

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