Ch. 3- bumping into trouble

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Hey! This is a shorter chapter than expected, but juicy nonetheless. I think my updating pattern will probably be every weekend, but may vary and change cause I'm a busy beaver! Also if you like this story comment and voy bc that will help me decide to make it longer or shorter. Don't worry Ik this story's bad. Enjoy!

As summer drew closer and closer to its end, Bakugos sums of money were slowly increasing, he started mentally preparing to go back to school, and he never let his note out of sight. He didn't text the number, god no, but he would look at it occasionally and smile. Everything was ok. But the one thing he still couldn't shake was the fact that he was getting better. Like all of the work is paying off, the therapy, the talking sessions with his parents, having a friend to vent to. All of it. All of this wasn't a waste after all.

He had even told his therapist about that outburst and he said that he might be ready for something a little more. Something that Bakugo never thought that he could achieve ever. Something bigger than a hug or a hand hold, but a kiss. A relationship. And just the thought of that made Bakugo work his hardest to alleviate the constant feeling of dissatisfaction with himself. The nagging at his heart that told him he couldn't do it. But he didn't listen because he knew that he could.

But all of this talk of dating and such might have jinxed his chances.

"Katsuki get your ass down here! If you wanna get there early, we have to leave now!"

Yup. Mrs. Bakugo was a yeller, much like her son.

"Shut up old hag! Give me a fucking minute!" He retorted from the top of the stairs. He was currently stuffing his suitcase full of clothes and packing up some boxes. School started tomorrow and Bakugo was anything but stoked. He kinda didn't like some parts of school, but he was still curious about the new kid.

He had to get the last of his stuff today because dorms were going to be assigned. Hopefully his neighbors aren't annoying like last year when he had fucking half-and-half and deku and all he could hear was fucking crash dummy moaning Icy hots name. Just thinking about it made Bakugo cringe.

When he was ready he lugged all of his shit down the stairs, helped his parents put it in the trunk, and they were off.

The car ride was about two hours. Just enough time for Bakugo to think. To get in the right state of mind. Not necessarily because he's going back to school, but because he has to put up with his shitty friends.

As the car pulled up in the parking lot, Bakugo quickly grabbed his stuff, waved a goodbye to his parents, and zoomed into the building.

He walked through the big glass doors and into the lobby of the dorms.

He saw a lady peacfully sitting at a desk with dark locks arranged in a high messy bun and small frame glasses fidgeting in her hands. She seemed to be fairly young and Bakugo could tell that she had some kind of earth quirk just by the way she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration and was so damn focused on one thing.

"Uh, hey. Can I check in?" He asked, walking up to the girl, feeling bad for disturbing her.

The brunette looked up from her papers, a little shocked, and spoke, "Ah, yes! What's your name?"

"Bakugo. Bakugo katsuki," he answered. There was a beat of silence, and in that time he realized that he had a therapy session in fifteen minutes. Dammit! I'm gonna be late, He thought. Could this exchange go any quicker?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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