"..we just had 5 or 6 days..Jungkook need to live..in that time...so we just had 4 days less to..find it..",said Jimin with so disappointed.They all gathered when knowing about Jungkook's heart are really getting damage."..i..want to try..do..",said Jin suddenly raise his hands.
"Hyung?what do you mean do something?",ask Namjoon with full of wanting to know.
"I want to do..some..scan..if it match for him..", said Jin with strength up.
"I want to do too...",said Yoongi as he standing.
"Me too..",as Namjoon join them and following by the others too.
Without knowing,Junghyun already do an examination for his heart if it match for Jungkook,he can do it without the members know about it.
After a few hours,
"How's the result doctor?...",ask Junghyun.
"Sorry sir..but..you can't be as donated to Jeon Jungkook..it's not match...Sorry.. ",said Doctor make Junghyun feeling so down and broken a part.He walk out and take a seat continue to get his mind full of problem."Hey...",Ha Nee just back from her work,
"Ha Nee?..why you here?..",ask Junghyun.
Ha Nee take seat next to him and just staring at each other.
"Mom always praise your brother..he had miracle with his smile..he is strong boy..mom always said he will make world proud of him and..he..",Ha Nee about to cry but she need to hold.She want look stronger in front Junghyun.
Junghyun just rub Ha Nee back."You can lie me..but you can't lie yourself..",sais Junghyun as he know how Ha Nee feeling.Ha Nee burst into tears because the word saying by Junghyun is true.
~3 day later(3 days left)
"How's result..do we all match with him?",ask one of them for knowing will they for it.
"We so sorry...all of you not suits with him.."said doctor with sigh.
"..without machine..he can't breathe normally..if you guys ready..you guys can sign..that you guys accept to let go of him..",said Doctor.
All of them letting their disappointed and didn't know what will they do or decide to do.
Last Euphoria Season 2 [jjkxbts]
Random"No..." "..thank you for everything.." "why did you say?" The stories about the next season book title ' Wishing Of EUPHORIA ' [WARNING : SELFHARM , DEPRESS , SUICIDE , ANOTHER DANGER ] Start : 5 January 2019 ENDING : 15 May 2019