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All of them gather together.

  Namjoon POV
       I just got  call by Jungkook's doctor,he said that someone want to donate his or her heart and in the same time it was match with Jungkook.Junghyun-ssi is here too,maybe the doctor already tell him too.

   "Junghyun-ssi,are you here for knowing who that person donate for your brother?",i ask.He just stay quite and didn't say anything.

   "We will do his surgery in this night..,you guys can sign with the person who match with him.But it must his brother mr Jeon,as his brother..i think you should sign it..because you have a relate with him."said the doctor.

He didn't sign yet,

  "Can we know..who that person?",he ask.

The doctor just smile and shake his head.

  "If you want..to save him,you should sign..",said the doctor.

We all got confused with that and Junghyun-ssi still thinking what his decision.Taehyung tap his back.

   "What..is your decision..hyung-ssi?.." ask Taehyung.Junghyun-ssi just staring at contract.

  "..i think..if i sign this..i thinking that i was so selfish..because..all i do this are for my brother.. without knowing that person will die for it..how can i be like this..doctor..",Junghyun put down that pen and staring at the doctor with his eyes start to watery.

The doctor just rub his back and give some advice.

  "I know..if i were you..i will thinking the same.. but that people want to give us..maybe that person will get better than this right?"said doctor.

Junghyun take that pen back and sign the contract.

  "We will start the operation in 30 minutes from now..so you guys can meet that person..",said doctor.


All of them are waiting that person who want to give that heart for Jungkook.They are ready if something happens in Jungkook cause they can be sure that operation will make success.

After 30 minutes later~~

Jimin POV
     "It's almost.." ,i said.Now,a few nurse are bring Jungkook who wad laying on that trail.It was sad looking Jungkook with full of connection.He got so many pain that he through now.He is the strong boy.I just got call that Ji Ryen has been caught by police when he tried to kill someone again,i hope that is was peace full for us.My back are already healing from that shoot.

   The doctor suddenly come to us.

  "You guys want to see the donated right?"ask that doctor and all of us are nodding.The other nurse are bring out a trail and it  was Ha Nee-niee who are laying at the trail.Ha Raa comes too.

   "What..",Jin-hyung surprise when we all saw that is her?Junghyun-ssi like he know already about them.

  "So..that why..you said like that...Ha Nee..",said Junghyun and Ha Nee just smile.

  "I'm so sorry..Unnie want to do..and i can't stop her.",said Ha Raa.

Junghyun,Ha Raa and Ha Nee are holding hands together and burst into tears.It was hard to say.

Ha Nee Pov
   I should do this,my fate are same heart as Jungkook too.Jungkook,i want to say sorry for all of my mistake that i ever do to you before.I am means person to you.Even i die,my heart still in you.There's a letter i had left at your box Kook.You know,you won't see me again after this..


Now Jungkook and Ha Nee are in surgery for heart moving.

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