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after beam was gone pha stayed in pent house and was thinking about what beem has told,

pha pov:

forth has been in love with me from 3 years

he is searching for me for 3 years,

ohh god what have you done

i should be happy the i have blessed with such love

or i should pity my self since i cant accept it.

pha has been thinking of all the consequences 

what if he accepts forths love,what about mafia world they wont leave me,neither forth nor yo are safe,

if i reject forth love the i have to suffer all my life for loosing such a great lover

pha was crying,pitying himself cursing himself all the night

after a long discussion with himself he made a decision and went to meet forth

forth has been waiting for pha in the park

forths pov:

will pha come or not?

will he accept me or not?

i can definitely tell that phana loves me but........

the kiss it was pure with love i still remember it 

i have seen true love or say myself in his eyes.

what ever will be the phanas decision,one thing is sure,i made my decision i wont be back

he has been waiting for phana from 3 hours.

its 10 already there is no sign of phana.i will still wait until you come.

phana is watching forth from 3 hours his hearts wants to go to forth and aceptes his love but his minds says opposite,

since he made the decision that he will not accept forth love ,he want to see forth as long as he can,

once he turn away from forth he cant see him again in his life.

finally phana got the courage and his steps stated walking towards forth.

from far forth sees phana and walked towards him,all the tension that he has up to now is gone and a wide smile appear on his lips.

seeing forths smile phanas heart  missed a beat but still he wear a cold mask of mafia don and stand before forth.

forth: phana you finally came.

phana: yes i am here but not to accept your love .

listen forth ,beam already told me that you loved me for 3 years,

are you mad,how can you wait for 3 years for some one who dont even see.

forth: because my love is true phana,i will wait until my last breath.

phana:/*his words are melting  me.come on phana you can do it,come on*/

 its enough.

i cant accept your love ,so forget me and continue your life.

i wish you a happy life.

phana says what he practiced for hours and told forth exactly.

forth:ok fine,i respect your decision phana.i wont ask for more but can i ask a simple question

phana:no no need of any explanation or decision forth,lets end it here.

forth:phana you already know i loved you for 3 years,i searched for you,i waited for you to come,for the sake of all these year just answer me.

why ?why you rejected me,i have to know the reason so that i should move on my life.

phana:what reason do you want forth? what?i will tell you more than 1

we are both boys,society will not accept us,

we don't know each other ,how can i love you.

and i am straight and i don't love you.

forth: come on ,be reasonable phana,what society?we live in society but not for society,if you are with me i will face any obstacle,

love don't see straight or gay or bi phana,its love that just happens

and what you say you don't love me right ,

if you don't love me why are you following me for 3 months huh.

phana:/*how do you know,*/

forth :i loved you pha,in a crowd of millions i can tell who my love is,how come i cant recognise you if you wear hoodie and cap. tell me what about that kiss,i can clearly see love in your eyes at that can you deny it.

phana: phana is trying to control his tears but he cant it started as a small rain and now it became the flood,while forth hold his shoulder and saying all these things.

forth:please phana ,what is the real reason for not accepting me,what is holding you.

phana:/*i cant take this any more,if i stay here i will melt for his love,i have to leave.*/

i remove forths hands from my shoulder and wear my cold mask again.

\look forth i don't know what you are saying.i will finally tell you,we are not made for each other.forget and live a happy life.

saying that phana started to move away from forth.

after 10 steps he heard forth calling him,he turn and was stunned.he ran to forth.

 forth what are you doing?

forths pov:

after what phana said my heart was ripped into million pieces,

seeing phana moving away from me like ,  for every step he move my heart beat becomes less,my mind is not working,

i took my gun from my pocket and aim it to my head,and called phana,

phana,there is no way i can live without you.

bye phana.

last thing i want to tell you is i love you so much,i dreamed of very second with you.

be happy and the trigger was pressed and gun was fired.

every thing is silent,like no one exist in the world.


will forth took his own life after the rejection?

what he said to beam was entirely different(,he said if he was rejected he will court phana,make him fall for his love)

but what forth was doing now?will he sacrifice himself for love.

will phana save him and accept his love?

lets see in next part

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suggestions are always welcome.

thanks megha

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