how i faĺl for forth

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One day I am in meeting and I got a call from beam.

Pha some one is chasing me help me

Then the call cuts.

I placed tracker in his phone .so I know where he is and went to the place.

When I reached there I see 4 men grab beam and ready to knife him.when I M going to rush to beam some one is smacking every one and saved beam.i stand behind the pillar and watch.

i stand behind the pillar and watch

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/*pha behind the pillar and watching forth 's fighting*/

He is fighting five at time.
Wow his fighting skills are awesome
When I looked at his face I was stunned.he was handsome.manly.i cant take my eyes from him.
After 15 minutes all men are on the ground.he smiled happily.

I was drolling at by looking at his smiling face.At that time I forget who I am and what I am doing.he went to see beam if he was ok then o see a man is going to attack k him with knife from behind. When I am about to go he trunks around grab his hand and a single stomach on his head then he is dead.

I was really impressed by him.after two years I feel my heart beating.i can hear the loud sound that my heart makes.what is this feeling.

Then see beam and he talking casually.i think they know each other.
I will ask beam about him later.i messaged beam and went to my place.

All the time no matter what I am doing I always think about him.

At night I went to penthouse house beam came there.he thanked me for responding quickly.

Hey I didn't do anything beam who is that men who saved you.and who are those people thattack you.

Oh they are old buddies.i slept with one of his girlfriend and he is there with his gang to prevent.

Oh he is forth. My engineering friend d.
Why what are asking

Beam can you tell me about him

I never seen pha like this.he is not the mafia devil but a friend of mine.
He is asking about forth.why.

I can see the smile in his face when I tell about him.

After a long pause I get that how pha fell for forth.

Oh god what did you do

He is In trance.i shook him and he came to reality.

Then his smile disappeared and he became sad.

What now what happen

Nothing.then we talk casually and beam left.

Beam pov:

I am 3 year medical student.
I know every thing about pha. I witnessed how his life changes with in day.

For outer world how is devil but to us he is Angel who always looks after ,yo, kit ,ming and pha we are best buddies and we created our own world Nd enjoy our life.

One day some guys attack me and asked help from how
When they are about to attack forth my engineering friend help me and save from those guys .I see how behind the pillar that time I didn't say anything.

I thanked forth and left that place.

At 9 I went to went house our secrets place.than pha asked about forth.

I sèe a difference in him.when I told about forth I see how pha eyes sprinkled and a beautiful smile on his face.

For a second I thought I that I am seeing my cute little fire d how but not the devil of mafia world.

That's when I know that how fell for forth.

Oh god what did you do.

I know pha very well.i know what will be his decision 

After that we never talk a about forth
I thought pha forget about hi..Then one day in bar I see pha. First I was shock because he will never come to bar that top this simple and without security.

Then I went to pha and asked about this.he said hi but he is not listening to anything I said.then follow the way where his eyes are looking. It's forth their drinking with his friends.

I took pha by his hand and made him out
We reached the pent house.all the way we didn't talk

Care to talk to me pha

Beam beam ......

I like forth.i fell for him at first sight.

But u k ow my life.i can't approach him.

At first I thought that I will forget him but it's not that simple beam.

After all this year's my heart was again beating like crazy after I seen it is not listening to me.if I follow my heart I will put forth in danger.

So I decided this way.i will see him from far and satisfy my little hearts desire

That way it is better.o know one day he will get the love of his life up to that time I will follow him

But it is dangerous for you pha
If any of your rivals found bout it then it will be more danger

Don't worry beam I have already all the precautions. So don't worry.

After listening to pha I felt really bad for him.

I tried to convince him many times but he did not listen to me then i became the spy for his love life.

Daily I went to bar with forth make sure there is no threat to pha and calls him.

He looks after forth all the time. And follow him to his apartment and went to paint house.

After 3 months I decided I will give pha the love of his life.
He deserves it.for that first I need to talk to forth.

That's it for this part

/*from now on i will use forth and pha pictures some time.they are not mine and all credits goes to their owner*/

Thanks megha

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