Waking up

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                     ...6 months later...

Joey's POV

Time flies. It's been 6 months now. Everyone are better now and have started working again but still everyone misses (y/n) here. I am going to the hospital everyday after leaving Hi5 Studios for an hour or two to meet her and tell how my day was. I really miss her voice, her laugh, her weird faces she makes while talking to me, her pranks. I was thinking about her when I got a call from the hospital.

J- Hello?
N- Can I talk to Mr. Joseph Fredericks?
J- Speaking.
N- Sir, I want to tell you about the patient (y/n).
J- (my heart raced) Yeah. Is everything ok?
N- Sir, she's awake.
N- Yes sir.
J- Ok. I am coming right now. Thank you for letting me know.

I cut the call and ran to Matt's office.

J- Bro!
M- Woah! What happened, Joey?
J- Bro, she's awake. SHE'S AWAKE!!!
M- What? You serious?
J- Yes! I got a call from hospital right now. Let's go.

We both ran to Bryan's office. Bryan was about to come out from his office and we hugged him really tight.

B- I can't breathe!
Both- Bryan, she's awake!
B- Wha..?
(We started jumping while hugging)
B- Wait. What are we doing here? Let's go to the hospital!!

Matt called Amanda and Bryan called Sarah to give them the good news. On our way to hospital, we picked them up. After parking the cars (Bryan and his family came with their car and I, Matt and Amanda came in my car), we ran in. We went in her room. She was sitting on the bed and was talking to the doctor. She saw us and smiled. "Hey guys!" She said. I went to her and hugged her really tight. "Joey! Not too tight, I can't breathe." She said. I let her go, "Oops, sorry. Just that, I am really happy. I missed you so much." I said. "She's good now but we have to take some tests to actually confirm if she can go. She will be discharged tomorrow if everything goes well." The doctor said. "Thank you so much, doctor." I said and she left. Others started hugging her. Arianna and Bella cried, "We also want to hug her." We smiled and Bryan and Sarah picked them up and helped them sit on both sides of the bed. "Ohh hey. My princesses are also here." (Y/n) said. Arianna and Bella went to hug her at the same time. "We missed you playing with us." Bella said. "I am really sorry Bella. I was sick. But don't worry, when I'll be discharged from hospital, I promise we will play all day. Happy?" She said. "Yeah!" Bella replied and smiled. "Let's give the lovebirds a little privacy." Matt looked at me and said. Everyone went out.

J- Hey babe.
Y- Hey love.
J- How are you feeling now?
Y- Pretty good. But I can tell, you are not good.
J- Huh?
Y- You have lost weight. Were you not eating properly?
J- Oh. That...
Y- Joey!!
J- I am sorry babe. But I can't help it. I didn't wanted to do anything when you... But in the first place, why did you came in front of me? I got so scared.
Y- (while holding my hand) I don't know what happened to me that time but... Let's not bring that up.
J- Sure... I missed you, (y/n).

We came close and kissed. I missed this feeling so much. I think I am falling for her harder day by day. We parted and my eyes were teary. But this time these were tears of joy. "Love, are you crying?" She asked. "Tears of joy." I replied and smiled. We sat there, our forehead touching. We stayed like that for a while. Then Matt knocked. "Excuse me?" He said. "Joey, if you are done, can we talk to her? We also missed her." We laughed. "Sure. Permission granted." I said smiling.

(Y/n)'s POV

Everyone came in. We talked about what happened in 6 months. "By the way, let's take a selfie and tell our fans that our (y/n) is all better now." Amanda said. Everyone came near me and Amanda clicked a selfie. "How do I look?" I asked. Amanda handed me her mobile. "Wow. I look hideous." I said while laughing. After a while, "I think we should go back now. It's 7." Bryan said. "Can I stay here with (y/n)?" Joey asked. "Sure, bro." Matt said, "We'll  come back tomorrow." They said goodbye to me and left me and Joey alone. "Will you be comfortable here?" I asked. "Yup. By the way, it doesn't matter because I just want to be with you." He said. We talked for a while then the nurse came in with medicines. I took the medicines without any complaints. "You should rest now." She said and left. I looked at Joey and he was shocked. "Um... what?" I asked, confused. "Did you just took your medicines without complaining? Impressive!!" He said. I laughed. "I am nervous for tomorrow." I said. "Why? You're all good to leave this place." He said. "But what if I am not fully recovered?" I asked. "Nothing will happen. You are going to leave this hospital tomorrow. And... you should rest now." He said. I nodded and he helped me lie down. "Good night, love." I said. "Good night, babe." He replied and kissed my forehead.

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