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"Absolutely not! That is absurd!" Vergil scolded, slamming his fists into the brown, oak table. A dish on the edge of the table jumped and fell, the sturdy clay shattering into pieces on the hard floor. "You are going to kill yourself!"

V didn't flinch— not once—from Vergil's outbreak. He stood his ground, despite his urge to shy away, which was his normal reaction to loud confrontation. "I need to do this, Vergil. You do not understand!" The male countered, shooting up from his seat. It was a staring match between the Alpha and Omega, the most gentle and the most harsh, the innocent flower against the harsh storm winds. The tension in the air grew thick until it became hard to breathe— hard to move.

A third party entered, snapping the tension in two with a small sigh. "He's right, V." The raven-haired man snapped his head towards the figure leaning against the doorway. It was Dante, Vergil's identical twin. "Vergil might be a dumbass—" that remark earned him a short, but deadly growl from the twin, which Dante ignored, "— but this time, he's right, and you shouldn't go just because some idiot can't control his urges."

"But I can't watch innocent creatures be murdered by some deranged King, demon or otherwise, and have their demise being labeled as an accident!" V replied as calmly as he could whilst making haste towards a separate room, avoiding the arms that attempted to find purchase on his tatted shoulders. Steps tailed his own, but V was quicker.

"I can't have more oblivious brides suffer after what is supposed to be a happy marriage," He snagged an elegant robe of the hook in the closet and turned around, a defiant look in what used to be gentle, green, eyes as he gazed at the two twins. He pushed them away with his frail, soft palms, earning perplexed and vexed expression from identical faces. "Get out. I need to change." He said softly, throwing the robes on the bed before him.

"Woah, woah, woah, what are you doing?" Dante said, hand clasping on V's shoulder and turning him around while the man was in the middle of unlacing his corset. The article of clothing was discarded without a single care— discarded just like V with what could possibly be the rest of his life.

V draped the robe over his shoulders and slipped his thin, inked arms through. He finally faced Dante, and told him a simple reply:

"I'm going to marry a murderous King."

This is just the beginning! I don't know how to Prologue, so I hope this will do. I know it's short, but I'll have better content out in a few weeks! Luv y'all.

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