Hello, my lovelies!

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If you are trying to improve your writing, you are in the right place!

This short guide was inspired by a creative writing class I took years ago. I learned many interesting things in the class, things I hadn't even considered when it came to the more stylistic elements of writing. After taking the class, I was so excited, I thought, "All aspiring writers should know this!" and I threw together a short writing guide which I posted on Fictionpress.

What you see here is that guide, plus a few updates. I'm excited to share it on Wattpad, and I hope it will be useful to you. 

I will probably add more sections to this guide as time passes. If there is a topic you are particularly interested in seeing covered, message me and I will try to add it. 

A few notes:

1. This book is not meant to absolutely dictate what you should or should not do. Are there books containing exceptions to these guidelines that are nonetheless great works of fiction? Of course! There are always exceptions. Being a writer is all about experimenting and challenging the status quo.

2. All of the examples in this book were written by me. I did not steal examples from other peoples' stories, so don't worry! You will not stumble across a passage from your novel. :)

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