The aftermath

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15 years later

Chelsea's POV

Punch ,smack,Punch,smack I watched as my fist ran through my fourth punching bag for the day. Marcus stareing at me with satisfaction in his eyes.

For the past fifteen years all I was allowed to do was eat,sleep,train,repeat it was like a never ending cycle I could never get out of.

Ever since that day,the day my family abandoned me my heart burned with fury and my mind only had one thing on it vengeance.

I grew close to Marcus after a while,despite him being the sole reason for my current predicament.I still loathe him just the same but my mother got it the worst because no mother would abandon their child for anyone or anything especially the youngest.

My demon and I get along quite well we started to share the power ever since I turned ten and each day we grow stronger and stronger without Marcus knowing ofcourse. Ever since I connected with my demon I started to change.

My jet black hair now has natural fire red tips,my thin body has become more curvier in the right places, I am 5ft 6 which just show off my legs that goes on for miles and my eyes are electric blue like my mothers but I have golden flecks like my fathers. "Strange" Marcus had said upon noticing them.

Keep it up Star! I heard Jerald bellow throughout the empty arena I was in, yes Marcus has an arena on his land.I gave him my signature smirk and knocked the punching bag right off its hook. Jeez Star another one,at this rate we are gonna go bankrupt said Jerald. He was somewhat an acquaintance of mine but don't take his looks lightly he is just as evil as Marcus.

Maybe that's the plan you might never know I replied. Futile he responded shaking his head and waking away. He said that because there has been many attempts of escape from my end of the court all of which were as he said....futile.

Each escape and capture brought on a different type of torture each time. The first time I was twelve and I had gone a good five hours without being noticed until I felt a terrible shaking in the ground and to my knowledge Marcus's ability was the element earth so it had to be him....let's just say all I remembered was furious eyes and a huge fist heading my way.

After that experience it only pushed my determination even more and I've tried to escape all in all over fifty times but tonight its going to be different......I will escape.

I've spent years perfecting my plan and finally I will execute it successfully and without any flaw. Marcus will never see it coming.

All those years of torture and pain will finally bite him in his ass. They say karma is a bitch and I just happened to be her bestfriend.

I left the arena and entered my empty room consisting of a bed a dresser and a bathroom I could have gotten a better room if I hadn't tried to escape or if I had given into him...his words not mine.

But he knows I will never give in to anyone its only in my blood. Born princess of the vampires and queen of the darkness but no one has to know about that.

I quickly got in the shower and washed all the dirt and grime off my skin and washed my hair,I thought about what my life would be like if my family hadn't left me or if I was born a human but I never get to see the ending its as if someone is blocking me out.

Then I drifted off to the topic of having a mate. Before my mother left she always told me about mates a that I had one and some day he will come and lift me off my feet and we would ride onto the sunset

Bullshit I thought but I still somewhere deep down want to at least know what he is like. Deep down.

I turned off the shower and got dressed in black leggings a gigantic grey sweater and my black combat boots. What your girl likes to be comfy too.

I head downstairs to the dining hall which Marcus allows me to dine in ever since I started to become a "good girl". I always get grossed out when he says it.

Hey let's eat! someone around the table shouted and Marcus agreed tell us all to dive in. He stopped eating and realized I hadn't started to eat.

Is there something wrong he asked. No I replied and stared into his eyes and slowly brought the food to my mouth. He watched with satisfaction and nodded.

Not a thing I replied in my head.. Its just that I will be leaving for good tonight and this may or may not be your last time seeing me up this close.

As I put the food in my mouth. My mouth formed the most devious smile I could muster.

right leaving for good. Lyric my demon agreed an evil smile on her face.

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