Chapter 14 - Time

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The clock I found in a pile of junk showed twelve when I woke up. I was surprised when  I was in town and everyone was already working. Maybe I could work for some money and survive out here. Honestly the people were dirty looking but seemed rather nice. Then again the arena people looked nice and they nearly killed Sam and I. "Hello," I said to the man behind the counter at a store, "Do you think I could do some work around here?" I asked and he replied with a nod, pointing over at
some merchandise that fell off its shelf. I got to work, and heard screams outside, only to be greeted by the people from the arena walking down the street. Dammit! How could they have found me? Doesn't matter, I have to run. I grabbed a knife from a shelf and jumped through a vacant window then started running. "There he is!" I hear one of them say, shots are fired. One of them cut me off and I stopped and held the knife close, Would I die here?

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