Welp. This is the useless intro. Sooooo if you don't care about author or where I've been, you can skip ahead to the story.
Ok. So since you obviously didn't skip ahead, I owe a lot of people an explanation. For the past couple of months I've been dealing with the cards life dealt me, rarely going on Wattpad, or having the creativity to write. For those that don't know, I am a high schooler from Minnesota(i care too much about my privacy to give any more). Homework piled on with sickness and an unknown illness deciding to punch me in the gut, quite literally, I haven't had any time to just relax and let my creative juices flow. Any ideas that I do manage to write down end up failing miserably into a pile of crap. So, i am taking time to myself to just write happy(or twisted) little snippets of the life of a marshmallow named Bob instead of writing a full story. Again, I apologize, and enjoy the story.
The Lonely Marshmallow
Short StoryBon bon Bob was having a marvelous day when tragedy struck. What is a marshmallow to do? ...melt and get stuck to people's shoes.