Sugar Daddy~

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Italics are Izuku thinking
Regular for out loud
For now

I need to pay rent this month..but I don't have enough and I can't comment tax fraud..

Inko: IZUKU!! I'm off to work now! Bye sweetie!!

Bye Mom!!

If I asked her for money, she'd freak out..she's already stressed enough..
Hey, maybe I can look up ways to earn money fast!

*Izuku gets on his computer and types," How to earn money fast for teens"

Let's see..babysitting..lawn work..saving accounts?..hmm..what's a..sugar daddy?

Oh my god, *scroll* hold it can't be..T-Todoroki-Kun?
What's a sugar daddy anyway?

*new tab, sugar daddy definition*
a rich older man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for her company or sexual favors. (Actual meaning)

Omg, no way, Todoroki does this? BUT HE GIVES 800 dollars?! that would cover this months and next months maybe a nice dinner with's decided..I'll do it with Todoroki...for Mom and I..

The next day


That's him..okay do I look cute?

 COMING!!~*open*(T is for Todoroki and T in italics is him thinking)T-Hello my name is- M-Midoriya?

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(T is for Todoroki and T in italics is him thinking)
T-Hello my name is- M-Midoriya?

H-Hey I look okay?

T- What the..why was he on THAT website.. come on in...

*they both walk back inside and sit down on Izukus couch, they sit awkwardly for a few seconds* did you *ahem* stumble upon the website I was on..

Oh-well I was looking for ways to earn money fast since I'm broke and rent is due soon, and I didn't know what a Sugar Daddy was so I looked and saw your name and I looked up wha a sugar daddy was and I saw you were paying $800 for the job and so-

T-Look Midoriya, I'm not going to force this on you..I'll just give you the money upfront and leave..

*Todoroki stands and pulls out his wallet, when he hands it to Izuku, Izuku pushes the money back*

T-What are you-

Todoroki, I signed up for the job, so I will do the job.

*Todo was shocked, but wasn't complaining, who wouldn't want to fuck their crush?*

Follow me, my room is upstairs.

T-Oh okay

(From this point onward, it'll be in 3rd Person. Italics is Izuku and Bold is Todo.)

They walked up the stairs to Izukus room. So how do you want to start? With this. Izuku kisses Todoroki, turning into them making out. Todoroki asks for entrance to fight for dominance. He won. Todoroki leaves forward, pushing and pinning Izuku to the bed. He breakes their kiss and pulls the top part of Izukus dress down to kiss his chest, trailing from the neck to nipples, which were to his surprise extremely sensitive, Izuku would moan every time he licked them. He lifted the bottom half of the dress, getting to Izukus dick. He rubbed it up and down, making Izuku moan really loudly. Todo-Todoroki- Call me Shoto. Okay..Shoto, you feel so good..
Shouto puts it in his mouth and sucks aggressively, making a moaning mess, named Izuku. He licks three of his own fingers and slowly pushes them into Izukus hole. Once he was properly stretched, the asked Izuku to make his dick wet. Izuku licked and licked, covering every surface. When Shoto was ready, he entered Izukus hole, slowly, making sure he wasn't hurting Izuku. But Izuku was in pure heaven. In fact, he wanted Shoto to go faster, so he took control and pushed his body closer, causing him to go deeper. Todoroki was shocked at this, but liked his style. He hit more aggressive, thrusting harder and faster! Then, Izuku came, Shoto right after him. After cleaning up, Shoto have Izuku the money. We should do that more often, when it doesn't concern money. Izuku winked. Anytime. Shoto winked back. They said there goodbyes and he left, shortly after, Inko came home from work and Izuku told her they were going out that night, she questioned where he got the money. Just from a friend helping me out, the friend in need.

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