[ 二 ]

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/ third person.

she was biting at her nails nervously as she was completing her calculus test. she wasn't nervous about the test, to be completely honest. she was practically the most intelligent in her school, but what was truly bothering her was the looks she was getting from her classmates. or at least she felt everyone was staring at her.

once she finished, she gave her test to the teacher and sat back in her seat, which happened to be right beside the window. she stared out to the clouds, hoping the world could hear her prayers. her ex boyfriend didn't show up today, which gave her a bit of relief.

the bell rang for the end of the class, causing the rest of the students to stand up and give their papers to the teacher before rushing out with their friends.

suni felt her hair get pulled up into a pony tail and began to slightly panic when she heard her best friend's voice. "you know, your nails are ought to look like a 4 year old's if you continue to bite them like that."

"oh, yeah."

"and at least try to freshen up. when he returns, he's gonna expect for you to be broken and will look at you in satisfaction like the douche he is. that's where you pull into school looking better than ever to make him wish he never left you," felix says, finishing tying the elastic tightly around her hair.

"i could care less if he was satisfied with what he's done," she says, resting her head back down on the table.

"do i have to call for emergency?" he sighs, rushing out of the classroom, finding the person he always went to whenever suni wasn't acting herself.

it was usually seungmin, one of her best friends who happened to be in a different class this year, but instead, felix brought in jeongin, a hoobae of theirs who had the brightest smile that could make anyone's day better. except for suni's.

"i can't find seungmin, so plan b!" felix says, patting suni's back as she straightened her figure to see the younger boy a bit clearer. "jeongin! your lines?"

suni smiled at her best friend's failed attempt to make her happier. jeongin nodded his head, putting a cold soda in suni's hands. "noona, i really hope you-"

"no, you idiot! she doesn't like soda! i told you strawberry milk!" felix scolds, taking the soda away from the girl and taking the chocolate milk from his backpack. "i don't have strawberry, but i have this. you can have it."

"sorry, hyung... anyway, suni noona, aren't you usually with your boyfriend right about now?" jeongin questions, drinking the soda he offered to her previously.

felix practically air bends jeongin out of the conversation and sighs. "i'm really sorry, suni... i'm not good at these things."

suni smiles lightly, pulling her friend into a hug. "it's alright. i already feel better! it's my fault for 'falling in love' in high school. high school relationships rarely ever work out," she says.

"hey, suni? mr. jung wanted to see you in his office," suni's classmate, eunri says, peering into the nearly empty classroom.

"alright. i'll be heading there now. see you, felix," suni responds, getting out of her seat to walk to her calculus teacher's office. "you needed me, sir?"

"ah, yes! what do you think about tutoring?" he says, twirling his blue pen in his hands.

"tutoring? for calculus?" she counters, playing with her fingers. "why?"

"there is a new student in your class in need of catching up. he isn't... the most intelligent. as of right now, though. you could help him," the teacher says, smiling brightly, "and you see, i can't tutor him because my wife is about to have our first baby and that's first priority right now."

"i understand... i guess i will start tutoring him tonight?" suni says, smiling very lightly. she liked this idea. she thought of it as a small way to escape her cruel reality and thought that maybe this was the wish she was looking for.

"oh, sure! thank you so much, suni. you may return to class now," he says, causing the girl to bow and dismiss herself.

"what happened?" felix, who happened to be waiting outside for her the whole time, questioned curiously. "were you in trouble?"

"no, i just have to tutor this new student in calculus," she mutters, suddenly stopping in her tracks as she saw the last person she would ever want to see.

"suni! i've been needing to talk to you!" he said, rushing towards her with opportunity hidden within his voice. "i seriously didn't-"

"she isn't available to talk to you right now, idiot. and never will be. so get lost," felix says, stepping in front of the girl who was struggling to steady her breathing.

"this doesn't have anything to do with you, kid. so be quiet as the adults talk, alright?" the boy counters, causing felix to ball up his fists, but suni pushed felix beside.

"don't talk to him like that, you snobby and obnoxious douchebag! i never want to see you again! you had your chance and you just so happened to ruin it, so move on!" she yelled, bringing tons of attention to the old couple. everyone knew them for the cutest couple of the school and seeing them argue like this was an unusual sight.

"suni, just give me five minutes to explain myself. that's all i need," he began to reason.

suni sighed, losing all emotion toward the boy. "i don't want your explanation. i want for you to leave me alone," she said, monotone.

when she can look at you without that sparkle in her eyes, and she can talk to you with no emotion in her voice, it's quite evident that you hurt her one too many times.

sweet lies. / skz hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now