[ 十八 ]

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/ third person.

suni hid herself from everything. including the funeral of her past love. her friends went to pay their respects, explaining that suni just simply was unable to snap out of her sadness.

hyunjin visited her everyday, but suni would never let him into her room.

felix would call her everyday, but suni never picked up.

seungmin would take notes for her at school each day, but suni never showed up.

jeongin would get rid of rumors at their school about her, but suni never seemed to care.

but today was different. it's been 2 months of suni skipping school and shutting out the world. she decided to go through her diary in which she hasn't written in for the longest time. she saw hyunjin's handwriting in her journal and felt something. she felt how much she missed him. she missed how much he loved her and would care for her.

she recalled the memories she had with her friends and her family which she shut out. she went to school today.

everyone gave her looks. the 'omg who is that, i don't remember her'. the 'wow she was brave enough to show her murderer face in this school again'. the 'ahh i missed her a lot, finally she's okay'. the 'OMG SUNI YOU'RE FINALLY BACK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH COME HERE'.

felix was the first to see her and pulled her into his embrace really quickly. "are you okay?! if you aren't, i can carry you straight back home!" he said, smiling so brightly.

"i'm fine," she spoke, her voice sounding different than 2 months ago. felix noticed her complexion had changed completely and felt terrible looking into her sad eyes. he hadn't seen her happy smile in 2 months. he didn't say anything about it, though. he was just happy she was okay. "thanks, felix."

jeongin was running away from seungmin for stealing his milk when he saw suni and immediately screamed her name. "noona! i miss you so so so so so much! you're okay? are you hungry? do you want something to drink?"

she shook her head, a sad smile appearing on her face as a tear fell from her eyes. she forgot what it felt like to have such wonderful friends. "oh, jeongin! you made her cry! idiot, i will destroy you... anyway, suni! we missed you so much! don't worry, you don't have too much makeup work! i took care of more than half of it!" seungmin said, pulling her into a hug as well.

"hyung, i think she's looking for hyunjin," jeongin whispered into felix's ear. felix nodded, finally coming back into reality. "where is he anyway?"

felix ran to the classroom to see hyunjin sitting in suni's chair as he has done for the last two months. he wanted to put himself in her shoes. he still was frustrated for he couldn't figure out how to make suni happy again.

"hyunjin! suni is ba-" before felix could even finish his sentence, hyunjin was already holding suni's shoulders, examining her figure.

"you... you have no idea how much i missed you," hyunjin whispered. he was unsatisfied with the way the girl's health seemed to be doing, but he was satisfied that he could see her again. he'd been yearning to see her for the last 2 months. "you are still... absolutely beautiful."

suni shyly looked down to the floor. she felt somewhat overwhelmed by her wonderful friends and felt she didn't deserve them, but here she was, looking into her love's eyes.

hyunjin backed up a little and pulled out a paper airplane from his pocket and threw it at her.

she caught it, opening the note.

'you're the bravest person i know. a person can't become brave if only the most wonderful things occur to them. you're simply just getting braver. you won't be able to process the amount of times i thought about you as you were trying to cope. i felt helpless. to be honest, i couldn't figure out how to do this. how to cope through the smallest of my concerns as you were coping through the worst. that's when i noticed, no matter how cheesy this is, all you are is all i ever need. i never want you to escape my embrace ever again. no matter how selfish that may sound, i love you a lot and i hope for the absolute best for you. i love you. oh, and my endless attempts to make you laugh....' the note ended there, causing suni to look up at hyunjin, whose hand was outstretched for her to hold.

he guided her to the rooftop. "you see... i haven't had a calculus tutor in awhile," he says, lightly in attempt to keep suni relaxed. "so i was by myself for 2 months... writing calculus songs."

he began singing the silly calculus songs, growing the smile on suni's lips. but suddenly, her started dancing weirdly, causing a funny sounding laugh to escape suni's lips.

"i win! i made you laugh!" he screeches, jumping around happily. "oh sorry, i sound annoying don't i?"

suni shook her head, racing towards the boy to embrace him in a hug. "i really am so thankful. thank you for waiting for me. for thinking of me. for always being there for me when i wasn't even there for myself," suni said quietly, trying to form the words she wanted to tell him. "hyunjin, i love you, too."

"wait, don't lead me on like that," hyunjin felt his heart flutter. "don't... don't say that!"

suni leaned in to give him a kiss. "i've thought about you. and all you've done for me. i thought, 'man, i don't deserve him'. but then again, to reject you makes me either look petty or look as if i thought i was too good for you... or something else, but i'm stuck on this decision. i've messed up a relationship already and if i'm not everything you wish for, just tell me and i will do something about it! i am so thankful and to express my gratitude... i'm accepting your previously unrequited feelings you had toward me."

hyunjin held onto her waist, pulling her closer as she said her speech slowly. it was evident that she's been rehearsing that for awhile, which made hyunjin smile even wider. once she finished and looked into his eyes, hyunjin picked up the short girl and kissed her.

"i love you so much, suni! and i will always be the first one to say 'i love you', because i truly do! you won't regret this, suni!" hyunjin was so delighted even if his love didn't look her best.

"i doubt i will regret it... it's you that i'm worried abo-" but hyunjin shut her up with another kiss.

"i will interrupt everything dumb you say with a kiss," he says, a puppy-like smile displayed on his face.

suni laughed, brushing her fingers through her love's hair. "i really love you-" then hyunjin kissed her.

"i told you, i'm gonna be the one that says it first!" he says, making the girl roll her eyes, but hyunjin couldn't help but spin her around because of the smile on her face. it seemed sincere to . hyunjin and that's all he wanted to believe. "i love you, suni!"

"i love you, too, hyunjin!"

sweet lies. / skz hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now