[ 十六 ]

535 22 15

/ felix.

"she's not here?" i questioned suni's mom curiously.

"no, she's with hyunjin at the hideout, i think. she called me earlier about it. you're welcome to come in, if you'd like," her mother smiled.

"oh, no thank you, ma'am. i will be headed home now! bye," i say, rushing home with questions all in my head.

fridays were our days... why is she with hyunjin?

/ hyunjin. (author's note: trigger warning sorry loves)

i woke up with a very stiff neck, stretching my limbs. suni seemed to have fallen to the side while she was sleeping, which kind of gave me relief because this stiff neck hurts.

"should i get her some food for when she wakes up? but i don't want to leave her by herself," i mumble to myself, quietly. "i will just wait for her to wake up before i leave to get something for us to eat."

her phone began ringing, and it had her ex's name as the caller id. i just let it ring since it wasn't really my business but it continued to ring over and over again, so i finally picked it up after the 6th call.

"suni? suni! i swear i will kill myself if you don't hear me out," the voice on the other end screamed into the phone, panicking me (1) because the boy threatened to kill himself and (2) because he could wake suni with how loud his voice is. "i felt neglected in the relationship, okay? you never treated me like a good boyfriend, so i felt the need to find someone better who would give me the attention i needed. i was wrong, though. the time you saw us... i was trying to break up with her but she started making out with me! i'm sorry."

suddenly, suni rose from her slumber and grabbed the phone out of my hands. "where are you?" she asks.

"banpo bridge."

"don't. move. an. inch. you hear?" she says with gritted teeth.

"do you forgive me? if you do, i won't jump."

"you idiot! this isn't a joke!"

"yes or no, suni."

"you better not do anything stupid!" suni yells, getting onto her bike and riding to banpo bridge as i search up the directions to make sure suni doesn't get lost for she isn't good at directions. i began to pedal faster so that i was leading her the proper direction.

"suni, you have 30 seconds."

"hyunjin, how far away are we?"

"5 minutes...." i respond, not wanting her to panic any further. "don't worry... just... stall him!"

"15 seconds," her ex's voice echoes in my head.

"yes, i forgive you! now don't do anything dumb!" suni almost screams into her phone, making me a bit nervous.

"don't lie to me, suni. if you forgive me, you'd kiss me and hug me and tell me how much you loved me and missed me. do you want to do that?"

suni fell silent. there were tears running down her cheeks, i could feel it. "let's stop, suni. just ride my bike, okay? it's unsafe for you to ride your bike when you can't see clearly," i say, stopping my bike near a school.

she nods, putting her bike quickly into a bike rack and sitting on my bike. "hey, are you still there?" she hears from the phone.

"shut up..." she sighs. "hyunjin, can i have your phone?"

i nod, handing my phone to the girl. she called 119 and reported the incident to the police.

"hey, listen! the police won't be able to save me if i jumped right now. so answer this last question... do you trust me? if you don't answer, i will jump," the voice came from the phone again.

"no, i don't trust you! i have zero trust remaining for you, okay? i can't help but be unable to trust you. but i will never be able to trust you again if you end it right now. so don't,"  she says, amazing me.

"you're giving me another chance?"

"i don't completely know yet, but just stop and think about it. you've messed up now, but you can fix this! don't do anything!" suni pleaded, suddenly hearing police sirens from the other line. she almost felt relieved.

"suni... i'm sorry i never loved you," the other line went silent and suni screamed, tears streaming down her face.

"suni, i..." i looked to see the bridge, a body dropping from it. "this isn't..."

for once, i had zero idea of how to put a smile back on the girl's face. i knew she needed time, but i wanted to shorten this time for her. somehow. but i couldn't. i felt helpless.

i stopped the bike and pulled her into my embrace. "shhh... i'm so sorry. it's not your fault, though," i whisper really slowly and lightly.

suni wanted to run away, wanted to die almost. she felt like she did all she could. but everything she could wasn't enough.

"there is still a possibility. don't cry, love. even if it pains from within. you still have many untold stories of your bravery," i whispered.

i put her back on the bike and began rushing to her home. there, i explained everything to her father, who brought her up to her room. before leaving, i pressed my lips against her forehead. "stay here... i will fix this for you. just this once i can do it myself," i whispered before leaving to get her bike and her things she left at the hideout. i also called felix, seungmin, and jeongin to keep her company.

oh, i'm hopeless... how can i fix this?

sweet lies. / skz hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now