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danse macabre / part two

     When Isabella began realising what she was doing, she broke the kiss

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     When Isabella began realising what she was doing, she broke the kiss.

     Sirius stood there, breathing heavily as he brought his dark eyes to meet hers. The once magical air suddenly felt solemn, like a matchstick being blown out leaving nothing but black.

     "Sirius I..." She began as thoughts swirled in her head like an endless whirlpool, her feelings mixed up.

     He held up a hand. "I get it." He looked down at his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets. "You don't feel the same way."

     He turned around on his heel and strode out of the garden without a word, leaving her feeling dazed. It was her first kiss, and her heart was going to burst out of her chest at any given moment.

     That wasn't what I was going to say.

     The Autumn air rushed past her as goosebumps spread all over her skin. Isabella stood there, looking at his retreating figure as he closed the door.

     She held herself for a bit before the feeling of sadness overcame her. She looked around — the garden was so beautiful and so enchanting, where one would feel happy if they kissed a boy there, but all Isabella felt like was crying. Tonight was meant to be a happy one, she thought.

     Gathering all her thoughts together, she then rushed out of the random garden and into the Great Hall, desperately trying to find Sirius among the heavy crowd of dancing kids and Professors who had eyes on everyone like a hawk. She sneaked past Nathan, who looked rather sad on the seat she had left him sitting in.

     Isabella felt terribly guilty, and she desperately wanted to go back to Nathan, but she had to find Sirius first. She spotted Maisie and stopped for a moment, wanting to talk to her about everything, but then realised it'd be better to not ruin Maisie's night with her rambling.

     Darting left and right, she rushed past countless students, but Isabella had no luck finding Sirius. The soft tune of Saint-Saëns's Danse Macabre ― the dance of death ― echoed through the hall, adding to the haunting feeling of Halloween at Hogwarts. It didn't make her feel any better.

     Giving up, she left through the hall's doors. She took off her heels hastily and sighed, wanting to just cry and sleep until all this drama was over.

     She began to head up to the Gryffindor common room, barefoot, before she spotted someone who she was more than relieved to see.

     James leant against a stone wall by himself, looking like he had given up on the ball. He twirled his wand in his hand lazily and looked to be deep in thought. His tie was undone and his hair was tousled like he had run his hand through it countless times.

     It was probably Lily and Amos' makeout session that probably got him all worked up.

     Without a moment's notice, she ran over to him.

     James looked up, surprised to see her a mess. "Hey, Bell, what's wrong―"

     She then did something she thought she'd never do to James Potter ― she hugged him, the tightest she'd had ever hugged someone. She buried her head in his chest as her eyes started to sting, not caring about those who were staring at her.

     James stumbled back in shock before eventually hugging her back. Isabella began crying, feeling embarrassed that she was even crying over a boy. For goodness sake, her mother had taught her better than this, she thought.

     "I'm sorry," she said in between sniffs, "but I just need a hug."

     "How about we go to the Astronomy tower and get away from everyone, eh? Then you can tell me what's wrong," James said softly as she let go and nodded.

     He then led her to the tower, past the chattering students and to her favourite place of the castle. Because everyone was at the ball, the rest of the castle was silent. The two sat side by side on the stone benches on top of the tower as James let her rest her head on his shoulders.

     She had stopped crying by now, but her eyes were puffy and her nose was red.

     She then told him about the whole night ― how Sirius was acting, how they had kissed and how confused she was about her feelings.

     "...he's so frustrating!"

     "Padfoot is very, very stubborn, trust me," James eventually said, pushing up his glasses. "But... I think he really likes you, I mean the group can always tell when he really likes a girl. And I don't know if he likes you in that way but you guys have a special connection ― not to sound cheesy."

     Isabella smiled at him and shook her head. She glanced up at the stars.

     "I used to think I had feelings for him, but then... I treasure my friendship with him the most," she spoke softly, sighing. "And I don't want to lose that."

     "Yeah, I get it."

     Isabella diverted her eyes to James, noticing the distant look in his eyes.

     "You're thinking about Lily," she said with a sad smile.

     James nodded, suddenly flustered. "I don't understand what she sees in Diggory," he muttered angrily. "Ever since our third-year all she's done is turn me away. Even though I seem like I don't care when she does... it kind of... you know. Hurts."

     "I think you should just be yourself when you're with her. Stop acting like an arrogant jerk, I mean."

     "Jeez, woman. Is that what you really think of me?" He laughed.

     "No," Isabella replied, laughing with him, "I'm just quoting Lily."

     "Oh. Well, that's even worse."

     She chuckled. "Sorry."

     The chimes hanging along the tower let out a sound like small fairies talking. Despite what was happening around them, it was a nice and peaceful night.

     "Sirius has been acting so weird lately and I don't know how to approach him without getting anxious," Isabella said softly. "Ever since that fight in your dorm, it's been so... weird. You know?"

     "He's just a jealous prick. And he's the type to never really own up to his mistakes. If I were to guess, I think he's very protective of you and hates seeing you hurt."

     "Well I'm flattered," she said sarcastically.

James shrugged. "That night when Moony attacked you ― that's what set him off."

Isabella sighed, shifting on the seat and moving her heavy dress out of the way. "He needs to understand that I can take care of myself." She narrowed her brown eyes at James. "By the way, don't tell anyone about this conversation or I'll really murder you."

     He grinned down at her. "I'll try and convince Sirius to stop acting like a prick. Do you want me to punch some sense into him for you?"

     "You'd punch your best friend?"

     "If that would make you happy."

    She chuckled. "Not really."

     The two then sat there, happy to be in each other's company. Isabella's thoughts were occupied with Sirius and the events that had just happened. James looked up at the night sky, his thoughts occupied with Lily.

     Downstairs, Sirius sat on the stone steps, taking in the conversation he had just heard from above.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11 ⏰

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