I hope you see them
I hope they take you
With cuffs of steel; locked
I hope they charge you
Throw you in jail
I hope they give you
What you deserve
I hope they take you soon
And deliver justice at the door
To my heart, brain, and soul
My Frozen Heart
Puisi💙 NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON 💙 Break ups can be difficult and relationships can be painful. I've been there and experienced it. Inside these pages are thoughts of pain, love, and the stages you feel after you lost someone you thought was your soulmat...
The Men With Badges
I hope you see them
I hope they take you
With cuffs of steel; locked
I hope they charge you
Throw you in jail
I hope they give you
What you deserve
I hope they take you soon
And deliver justice at the door
To my heart, brain, and soul