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List of nightmares

Hello, my name is Leo M. de'Ath. And I live in a small town on an island not many people have heard of. It has no name.. For no one wants to live there, because of me. The people here Are stranded. No boats to rescue them from this place of hell. You can hear the cries from all directions, people screaming in fear as they try to run from their fate. I am what they call "the devil of the island" I don't like this name. I don't like what I do to people. But I can not stop it, nor try to help those i hurt. Every night, when I close my eyes, the screaming starts. My nightmares become a reality for a stranger near by. And since the island is very small... Everyone is a victim. They blame me, and though it is not my fault, they still wish I was dead. As a baby, I was cursed, the family of the "De'Aths" have been here for centuries bring much pain to innocent people. We are Hated by all. When I walk through the streets people turn away, some glare. Little kids begin to cry in fear. When I get to close to someone they feel pain. A deep deep pain that brings tears to their eyes, if I touch them, they die. Slowly and painfully. Every night I cry my self to sleep, witch makes it much worse. The nightmars keep getting more severe. I have a list. Every morning that I awake I write down the nightmare. A title for it. The list is long.. For there is never one night I do not have a nightmare. One day The nightmare with grow to strong, and will kill me. And only me. But then another child will be born from hell, and will have my last name. For it will bring death. The first person each of us kill is our mother. She dies giving birth and our gift certificate Burns to ashes and reappears with the last name no one wants... "de'Ath" I hope I am the last of our kind, and I hope people find a way to forgive our long line of torture. For this is, the list of nightmares.

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