Part 1

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If only we could forget how it feels... everything would be so much easier for everyone at a larger scale. Every night is the same, insomnia kicks in and drains all energy until shes out... And her nightmare starts.

Mamitaaaaa!!!! Please wake up!!!! You promised not to leave me alone -Alana cried while hugging her legs against the hospital wall by the side of the CPR room (Cardio Pulmonar Resucitation Room) where her beloved mita lays battling for her life- You promissed to always be there for us! Mamitaaaa!!!-her sobs are even more uncontrolable when the doctor walks to her and all goes blank and she wakes up screaming

Its been almost 3 months since she lost her grandmother, the one who gave her all the love, affection, trust and reason to continue her life without her birth parents. Alana is 30 years old strughling with her loss, insomnia, heartbreak, her job and raising 3 children of her own with nobody to assure her that at the end of everyday there was another goal to be achieved.

The rest of her family went their separate ways as they did before everything happened and if they called her once was a miracle. She keeps thinking that things cant het any worst until she cant take any more of the physical explotation shes undergowing while walking long distances with her children to gat them to school, then walk to her job where she works as a cashier, walk back to pick them up and walk back once more to what was once her home with her younlings. She feels torn, her heart broken and her will to keep going slowly fadding into oblivion. One day things will change for her but until that time she just keeps her very little hope she has left and continues with her dreadfull fate...

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