Too much too soon

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In the midst of the agonizing pain, hurt, misery and emptiness I feel sighing my broken soul, I found a way to continue going to college and become all of what he expected of me as a grown woman. But I crave more, I feel dead inside. And even though I have Mark, Fish, Ary, Hei and Julio keeping me company as study group and friends I still feel I need excitement. Things were hazy with Pityn my boyfriend of a few months since We want to see each other and try and have some alone time my mum seems to hate him and keeps tabs on my every move. Even Mark and Fish tell me he's no good for me I'd like to think that he's some good sent from heaven somI can fill the emptiness inside me. Of course I keep on the lookout for life and something more to it. If I continue as I am I'll drive insane. So I log in messenger and try to learn this new technology for me and I spot this cute, smart and talented young man. He made me swoon the instant he said hi. I don't think I can remember who gave the messenger to whom... but we were hating everyday even being a table Apart lol. My relationship with Pityn was staining even more but I kept on trying to fix things cuz I thought I loved him. And I could tell this friend who's name turned out to be Jorge everything about my relationship and get an advice, same one I'd get from Mark and Fish but it was different. Either way i kept distance with Mark and Fish because Fish is like a sister-mom but Mark oh God.... he makes any attire look good. And I have to look somewhere else cuz I can't feel the rush and chill I get when he's close by. His lips, his smile, his ways... they make me think of how would it feel to be carried by him since he's taller than me which I love.. but I have to shake those thought away, they're not healthy since he's engaged to Fish and I Love her too much to hurt her that way, specially since they're the only ones I got.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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