Chapter 14

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The next morning, Nessy woke up before the boys. She opened her eyes ans slowly sat up only to realize that Laddie wasn't beside her anymore. She frowned and got off the bed. She then begin to walk toward the main part of the cave only to see Star and Laddie already there. Star was sitting on the couch, reading a book while laddie was reading a comic on the fountain.

Nessy took a deep breath and slowly begin to walk toward star.

"Star?" She asked gently as she reached the couch. Star looked up at Nessy and staid silent. She then looked back at her book. Nessy sighed sadly before she spoke again.

"Look Star I don't know why you hate me that much but I'm sorry, I'm sorry for whatever i did to you. I don't know if it's because I'm mated to the boys or b..." before Nessy could say another word, star cut her off.

"No it's not that" Nessy frowned

"Then what is it?" Nessy sat down on the opposite side of the couch as she spoke. Star shut her book and looked at Nessy.

"It's because of Micheal..."

"What about him?" Nessy was confused.

"I think he's my mate" Nessy's eyes widened before she smiled.

"that's great! But I don't understand what it has to do with me..." star looked away from Nessy before she spoke.

"When I first saw Micheal, he was with you and I thought the two of you were a couple. I guess I was jealous and when I was being mean to you in front of him it's because I wanted him love me, i guess I didn't liked the attention you were getting from him. I was just jealous..."

"me and Micheal? Star we're  just friends, I would never imagine myself being his girlfriend, he is like my brother...Did you talk to him about you being his mate?"

Star shook her head

"Why not? He is an half vampire too so he should be able to feel the mating pull."

"I guess I am just scared, I don't want him to reject me..."

"I'm sure he wouldn't. Every time me and him were on the boardwalk in the last days he was always trying to find you while dragging me with him. He wanted to be with you, he wanted to see you."

Star quickly looked up at Nessy.

"Really?" Nessy nodded

"Yes" star smiled softly but after a couple of seconds her smiled dropped.

"I'm sorry. I was mean and harsh to you for no reason, I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, I forgive you. Just go try to talk to him." Star nodded and did something that surprised Nessy a lot: she hugged her.

"Thank you" Nessy smiled and hugged her back.

"It's nothing really." The two girls pulled away and Nessy looked up at star.

"Can we start again from the beginning? Can we be friends?" Star smiled and nodded her head.

"Friends" the two girls shook hands happily.

"You guys are friends!" Laddie screamed happily, making the two girls nod and smile.

The two girls spoke together until the boys finally woke up about an hour and half later. They were extremely surprised when they arrived in the main part in the cave. Nessy was sitting on the couch beside star with laddie on her lap, he was still reading his comic. Nessy and star were talking together as if they were friends since forever. The boys were all confused.

"The fuck?" Paul whispered while turning his head to look at his brothers .The boys looked back at him with the same confused expression on their faces. David was the first one who begin to walk toward the trio. They stopped talking and looked at him and the boys as they saw them approaching the couch

"What's happening here?" He spoke.

"We were just talking" Nessy smiled and stood up from her spot of the couch. She placed laddie on the couch and walked to David.

"We talked together and we became friends." David raised his eyebrows at her. He was glad that the were friends but he didn't really liked the idea. He and the boys didn't really liked star because she was never tankful for everything they did for her, they all knew she hated the life of a vampire, they knew she wanted to leave so he didn't wanted star to influence Nessy in a bad way.

David was pulled away from his thoughts when he felt lips on his, Nessy's lips. He closed his eyes and kissed her back. He wrapped his arms around her waist as they kissed.

Once he pulled away he smiled at her. Nessy smiled back. The boys were all a bit mad that Nessy was friend with star but they couldn't help but feel happy too...

Because when Nessy was happy, the boys were happy too.

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