Chapter 28

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Nessy ran to where laddie was hiding and opened the door of the closet. Laddie was inside, he was wide awake and he was crying.

"Heyyy laddie, baby why are you crying?"  Laddie jumped into her arms and hugged her tightly.

"I-I heard you scream mommy! They hurt you!," Nessy's face became sad all of a sudden, she didn't wanted him to hear all of it.

"Why is your skin so red!!" Laddie then screamed as he saw her face. Nessy smiled sadly before she ran her hand through his hair.

"Laddie, sweetie it's okay now, I'm better okay? Paul and Dwayne took care of me" Laddie looked at her for a couple of seconds before he nodded slowly.

"You promise?" He then asked while showing her his pinky finger. Nessy smiled and chuckled.

"I promise" Nessy replied before the two pinky promised.

"Okay, now what about we go join the others downstairs? The boys told me it was safe  for us" Laddie grinned before nodding his head.

"All right lets go" The two stood up and laddie immediately reached out for Nessy, she smiled at him before picking him up in her arms. She then begin to walk toward the stairs, she slowly walked down them as she begin to hear voices from the living room, she knew David was the one who was talking. Just by the tone of his voice she knew he wasn't happy...

Nessy stopped walking about halfway down the stairs so she could watch what was happening. She frowned when she was the scene, her two brothers were on the floor, the were tied up back to back and they were glaring at the boys, Sam was being held down by Paul, Micheal was knocked out on the floor and Star was standing beside him, she was desperately trying to wake him up.

Nessy sighed sadly before finally walking down the steps completely,  David and Marko immediately turned to look at her and their eyes went wide, her skin was still extremely red even tho her body wasn't hurting anymore. Nessy smiled sadly at them before she placed laddie on the ground. The little boy immediately ran to Dwayne as Nessy ran to David, she hugged him tightly as he hugged back.

"Are you all right princess, I felt your pain" Nessy nodded her head slowly as he begin to caress her cheek with his fingers.

"Y-Yeah, the dog pushed me into the bath full of holy water but Paul and Dwayne took care of me, they gave me their blood" David listened to her before he slowly nodded his head, he then kissed her forehead carefully .

"Now let's end all of this " he then whispered in her ear before slowly letting go of her so he could look at all his boys one by one and walk toward the other.

"Now, now..." he paused as he begin to walk around the two frog.

"You boys tried to hurt our mate several times, you even tried to kill one of us and I think this deserves a punishment..." the two brothers glared at him harder before David spoke again.

"I think the perfect punishment for that would be...death" David, Paul, Marko and Dwayne all smirked as David finished. Nessy on the other hand, became worried.

"D-David?" Nessy questioned with a small voice. Yes, she was mad toward her brothers and Micheal but still, she didn't wanted them to die and the boys all knew it. Therefore, they knew that all of them had to pay, they had gone too far. They knew it would hurt her a lot but they had talked about it before, they would help her get thought it.

David turned to Nessy with a small, Sorry smile,

"don't worry" he spoke gently. Nessy looked at him with worried eyes but didn't say anything, everything was just so confusing.

"You're an asshole you know that!" Edgar spoke from his spot on the floor.

The boys all chuckled at him in answer, they all knew that insulting David at the moment was the worst thing to do. David turned to look at him before he walked to him, a smirk on his face.

"Oh I know I am." He spoke with an arrogant tone while looking right into his eyes. Edgar tried to kick David out of anger and frustration but he dodged it easily and chuckled.

"You really want to play like this?"

"I swear I will kill you and your bloodsucker whores!" Just as he finished,David slapped him  in the face hardly. Edgar screamed and his nose begin to bleed, the blow was so hard they his vision became blurry for a second. Nessy gasped and tried to walk to David to stop him, all of this was going to far for her.

"D-David Stop" Nessy got stopped by an arm wrapping around her waist before she could reach him. She got tugged back so her back was against someone's chest. She turned her head quickly and saw Marko. He gently smiled at her before he looked up at David again. David smirked at Marko in a thankful way, he didn't wanted Nessy to try to stop him, he didn't wanted her to get hurt.

"Now, I'll give you two one single chance. Nessy is your sister and I understand that she doesn't want you to die so now here are your two choice: you either turn into one of us...or you die" the two boys looked at David angrily before turning to Nessy

"you are not our sister anymore, you're just a bloodsucker!"

"And you're a freaking slut for being with four fucking boys at the same time you stupid whore!" Nessy was crying and looking down after they spoke, she was kinda used to receive insults from her brothers since a couple of days but it was still hurting her every time.

They boys looked at her tears and became furious, they had enough now, it was the last time that the frog would insult their princess. David looked at Dwayne and Paul, the two understood what he wanted so Dwayne placed laddie on the ground and sat him behind the couch so he wouldn't see anything and Paul let go of Sam; the two then moved toward the frog brothers.

"You boys had your chance but you didn't took you'll just have to face the consequences."

Dwayne and Paul each gave the two frog brothers a devilish smirk just before they snapped both of their necks.

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