~Barn Dance ~ Ben Redfield~

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Hello! So this is my first imagine, hope you enjoy it!

Also, I know it is set in the 1980s but I've modernised it to make it easier for me to write

{Word Count: 833}


The sun blinded my eyes as my mum opened the curtains. Ugh, it was Saturday morning, I didn't need to wake up this early. I checked my phone and the time read 08:41, way too early for my liking. I used my phone for a bit before deciding to head to the kitchen and try to find myself some breakfast. I looked for the cereal but only the crumbs were left in the packet, guess I'm having toast then.

After a few hours of repeating the same things, watching TV,  looking in the fridge and scrolling through social media, I sat in my living room and let out a sigh. The weekends are always boring, especially when you don't hang out with people much. I looked out my window, from here you could see a lot of the neighbourhood. I saw one of my neighbours, Ben I think it was, sitting with his legs in their pool. I have Ben in a few of my classes at school, he's always the quiet one who sits by himself at lunch. He looks lonely even at home.

I opened my window and grabbed a pencil from my desk. It was aimed at Ben but it landed in the pool, still got his attention though. I waved my hand as a gesture for him to come over. I saw him stand up and walk back inside his house, then I went and stood by the front door waiting for him.

The doorknob turned as Ben nervously stepped inside. "Hey Ben, how have you been?" I ask him

He whispered something I didn't quite catch. "Sorry, what was that?"

"I'm alright." He stammered. I haven't really talked to Ben since we were kids, but why is he this nervous to be in this house, he's been here a couple of times before. Maybe he has anxiety and I do remember he was very slow in the head and some kind of mental disability. Maybe it's that.

"Why did you ask me to come here Y/N?" He says in the tiniest voice I've ever heard.

"Cause I'm bored," I replied. 

"What did you want to do then?" I didn't actually know what to do when he got here. He read my facial expressions. "Do you not know?" I nodded my head.

"Wanna come inside instead of standing out there?" Ben then shuffled forward past the entrance of the door and opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. Not gonna lie that was adorable. Come to think of it his round face is so cute and he has the most stunning green eyes. He noticed me staring at him and turned his head to the ground in embarrassment.

"Di-Did you know about the school barn dance going on tonight?" Ben asked with a quiver in his voice. I'd forgotten about that, wasn't planning on going to it either. "No, I forgot about that," I said shrugging. 

"Are you going to go?" He said quietly. 

"Nah, I wasn't planning to"

"Neither was I."  His mouth opened and closed again a few times as if he trying to pick his words carefully. "Would you want to go i-if um if I went wi-with you?" He said tentatively.

Well, that was certainly unexpected from quiet Ben! I thought about it for a moment. I mean Ben's adorable and I needed something to distract myself from the absolute boredom I was experiencing a few minutes ago. I nodded in reply and he beamed an adorable smile that made my heart flutter.

"Ok, um I think it starts at 8 PM so, I'll see you there?" He stuttered in amazement that I'd actually agreed and got all flustered. I chuckled to myself, God he is so cute.

Later that night at the school dance I saw Ben sitting at one of the benches waiting for me, he smiled when he saw me. He was wearing a navy blue suit with a grey striped tie, it didn't exactly match my yellow dress but he still looked super handsome in it. 

"I would ask you to dance with me but I don't know how to" He mumbled. I let out a small giggle. "It's okay, I don't know how to either and I'm not the dancing type." As I said that he sighed in relief and smiled at me. For the rest of the dance, we just talked and had an overall great time, I was going to look forward to school on Monday and finally have a genuine friend to talk to. Although I kind of wished me and Ben could be more than friends. 

As we were leaving the barn we stood outside awkwardly, not really knowing what to do. Like in those cliche high school movies. In the end, Ben decided to hug me. He was warm and smelt like apple pies that had freshly come out of the oven. That's a very odd smell to have, but it was wonderful.

"See you on Monday?" He asked

"See you on Monday," I confirmed.


Except they never saw each other on Monday because Nathan hallucinated and thought Ben was one of his victims so he killed him.......... Just kidding😂


So, that was my first imagine. Sorry it's kind of bad and it looks rushed but I tried my best🤷‍♀️😂

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