~Changed ~ Darling Pan~

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Another imagine for anyone reading this. I write this as the thoughts of Wendy while she's living on Neverland in her cage

Warning: This may have some angst in it

{Word Count: 425}


He used to be sweet,

He used to show me the mermaids, 

He used to dance with me with the fairies,

He used to take me flying,

To the tops of the trees.

I felt so free.

Now, I sit cramped in this small, dirty cage,

Now, he threatens to kill my brothers if they don't follow his orders,

Now, he has rules.

He used to say that rules were made to be broken,

We used to have fun,

With no grown-ups to tell us what to do,

Until he changed.

He took me back to London and tried to take one of my brothers in exchange. He took my friend, Baelfire. He wasn't my brother but he was like one to me. I tried to get Bae back. When I arrived back on Neverland he found me and that's when he locked me in this cage. He told my brothers he'd kill me if they didn't follow his orders. 

I remember when he'd intertwine his fingers with mine as we soared across Neverland. We had no care in the world. We were free.

All I do now is watch day turn into night as I sit in my cage. Peter never visits me anymore. It used to be him bringing me a plate of food, which was usually berries and whatever the lost boys had hunted. Now it's just a random lost boy. 

I miss the carefree boy who'd hold me close as we danced underneath the stars with fairies fluttering around us.

I remember the day it all went south.

He had told me about 'The Heart of the Truest Believer' and told me he'd have to rip someone's heart out in order to keep himself and the island alive. Although it was very inhumane and sadistic I had somehow agreed, I don't know why. He then told me he needed one of my brothers. Him telling me this, of course, started an argument.

"No, Peter! They're my brothers, I can't let you hurt them!"

"Listen, bird. The island will be destroyed and I will die if I don't find that heart! You don't want to lose me, do you?" 

I didn't. I didn't want to lose him but I had to keep my brothers and Bae safe.

"No, but I can't let you do this."

I had pleaded with him all I could, but it never worked. He called his shadow to take me back.

"You were starting to bore me anyway,"

I never forgot what he said to me that day. It was then I knew that the Peter Pan I knew was gone forever.


I think that one was a bit better compared to the previous ones. But barely though😂

Robbie Kay ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now