~ Confession ~ Panlix ~

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{Word Count: 437 }

This one is quite short


Felix sat gazing into the crackling flames, losing himself in the glowing embers. The lost boys began to retire into their own tents, leaving Felix to hear nothing but the sounds of the night. His thoughts drifted onto a certain lost boy. The leader of the lost boys. Peter Pan. Felix was his best friend and second in command to him. He was loyal to Peter Pan. But lately, he'd been having these strange feelings for him. Like the other day, he had spoken to Pan and got lost into his green eyes. Every time Peter smiled it almost made him melt as well. He wished Pan would spend more time with him, instead of just talking to him about what to do with the lost boys when he leaves the island. 

Out of the blue, Pan came and sat next to Felix.

"Why haven't you gone to bed yet? Something on your mind?"

Felix nodded.

"Just silly things, really." He wasn't lying really, his feeling for Pan were probably just silly things. Right? Pan smiled, oh how that made Felix's heart flutter. No, he was just lying to himself. It would probably pass soon enough. 

"I've got some things on my mind too," Pan said, causing Felix to become curious as to what those thoughts were. could it be the same thoughts he had? No, that would be ridiculous.

"I think you've had these thoughts as well." Pan continued. "I've had the same thing on my mind for a while now."

"What is it?" Felix queried, his curiosity heightening. Pan smiled and sat silently for a while, making Felix both nervous and intrigued as to what he was going to say. After a minute Pan turned to Felix again, smiling.

"You have feelings for me, as do I to you" Pan finally answered. Felix's heart soared, a pink blush forming on his cheeks. His blood was pumping fast and he was just looking into Pan's eyes, almost losing himself in them as he'd done many of times before. Pan had seemed to lean in, making Felix's heart pump faster than he'd ever felt it pump before. 

"Am I correct?" Pan asked in a hushed voice as Felix could feel his hot breath on his cheeks. He nodded. Pan leaned in even closer until his lips brushed against Felix's before locking his lips with his and brushing a hand through Felix's blonde locks. After what felt like a heavenly hour they pulled away, smiling at each other before leaning in for one last kiss before heading to their own tents, feeling very elated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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