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Zachs P.O.V

Zach : I should ask out Lizzie tomorrow ...

Lizzies P.O.V

( I answer the phone ) Lizzie : Hello ? Anthony : Lizzie ... Lizzie : How did you get my new number ? ( Anthony is my ex . We dated when The twins were at least a few months old . )

Anthony : Alyssa . ( Damn it Alyssa . She's my friend that is too nice for all of us ) Lizzie : What do you need Tony ?

Anthony : I wanted to know how the babies are . Lizzie : They are doing good ! They are with their ...

( I thought about saying ' dada ' And i remembered that Dean called him ' dada ' before he did zach )

Anthony : Hello ? Lizzie : They are with dada ... Anthony : oh. well good ! Lizzie : Yeah , How are you ? Anthony : I'm good ! I kinda miss you and the two trouble makers

Lizzie : Is that really why you called me at 7pm ? Anthony : I cant get anything by you can I ? Lizzie : Nope , you cant . ( We laugh )

Anthony : Are you home ? Lizzie : Umm I'm heading home ... Anthony : Can i come over ? Lizzie : Don't see why not .


( Little info on Anthony , He is 18 and a really sweet guy , we broke up because we just wanted to be best friends and now we are , so we are good )

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Anthony : Cool ! I'll be there in 30 . Lizzie : Ok deal . Antony : Ok I'll see ya then . Lizzie : Ok ! Bye .

( Soon i get home and fall on the couch ) Lizzie : I wonder how Zach is doing with them. ( I grab my phone about to call but i just put it down. )

Lizzie : Stop worrying lizzie . they are fine . ( I go to my room and change into some sweats and a hoodie )

( I went to the bathroom and washed my face ) ( I went back to the living room and watched tv. Soon I fell asleep )

Anthony P.O.V

( I pull up to lizzies house and knock on her door ) ( No one answers so i call her and it goes to voice mail ) ( I forgot I had a key so I welcomed myself in )

( I saw lizzie asleep on the couch snuggling with a blanket ) Anthony : Cutie .

( To be honest I still like lizzie but she doesn't like me ) ( I go over to her and sit by her ) ( She wakes up a bit and looks at me and puts her head on my lap )

Lizzie : hi tony ... Anthony : Hi lizzie . ( I laugh ) ( She falls back asleep . soon I fall asleep too )

( I wake up and check my phone and read 8:30pm ) ( I lightly put lizzies head on the couch and get up )

( I go to her guest room and put my bag in there ) ( i go back to the couch and she's still asleep )

( i sit by her and she wakes up ) Lizzie : Hmm ? Anthony : Its just me . Lizzie : O hi tony ! ( She days sleepily )

Lizzie : How long have you been here ? Anthony : About one hour . Lizzie : One hour ?! With me asleep ?!

Anthony : Yeah. I fell asleep on the other couch to be honest . Lizzie : Ok... Anthony : Do you want to go eat ?

Lizzie : What time is it ? Anthony : 8:44 Lizzie : Ummm ok yeah. Let me go change . Anthony : Ok .

Lizzies P.O.V

( I go to my room and change then come by to the living room ) Lizzie : ok lets go . im driving .

Anthony : ok . ( We get in the car ) Lizzie : What do you want to eat ? Anthony : Ummm I dont know .

Lizzie : Ok. Im going to by the mall then we can choose . ( Then someone calls me ) Lizzie : Put that on bluetooth.

Anthony : ok . ( He does as told and i answer ) Zach : Hey lizzie !!

Lizzie : Hey zach !! How is the babies ? Zach : They. are. ANGELS !! they are asleep by the way.

Lizzie : Ok good !! What did y'all do ? Zach : Movie night with dada . They fell asleep through half of it .

( i laugh ) Zach : What are you doing ? Lizzie : Going to the mall food court with my friend .

Zach : O cool ! Hi lizzies Friend !! Anthony : Hi Zach . Zach : O its a guy .. Lizzie : Its Anthony .

( I heard sadness in zachs voice when he spoke ) Lizzie : Hey I'll call you in a bit . Zach : Ok .

( He hangs up ) ( Well that was awakward .... )

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