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Lizzies P.O.V

( He falls asleep and so do I ) ( I wake up and look to my left and see that all of them are still asleep ) ( Lilo is hugging zachs arm and dean is still curled up in his seat )

( The Speakers buzz then the pilot speaks ) Pilot : We have 30 more mintues till landing , Thank for choosing american Airlines and we hope you had a great flight .

( I wake up zach and he looks at me then rubs his eyes ) Zach : What time is it ? Lizzie : umm I dont know . Zach : Look at phone. ( I get my phone and look at the time ) Lizzie : its 4:02 .

Zach : Let me call one of the guys to pick us up . ( He does so and I get a text from Anthony )

Anthony : hi :)

Lizzie : What do you want ?

Anthony : Jeez , chill !!

Lizzie : yea yea . But seriously what do ya need ?

Anthony : Place to stay ...

Lizzie : Look , i know we are ' best friends ' But you cant always count on me for things like this.

Anthony : Why not ?

Lizzie : I got to go . Bye tony .

Anthony : Wait !! Yes or no ?!

Lizzie : 4 night .

Anthony : Thank you Liz !! Love ya bye.

( i put my phone down and roll my eyes ) Lizzie : why can't people learn to be independent sometimes ? Zach : Because they can't . Lizzie : Ok yeah .

( We land and we get off the plane and wait for one of the guys ) Lizzie : Whos coming for us ? Zach : I don't know , but one of them . ( while waiting lilo and dean watch paw patrol on zachs phone and me and him talk )

Lizzie : is that Daniel ? ( i point to Him ) Zach : yeah . Lizzie : He dyed his hair once again . Zach : yup. ( We get our things together ) Lilo : Tio dani !! ( Daniel pickes up lilo and holds her )

Daniel : Hi cutie !! ( He kisses her on the cheek ) Dean : Hi tio dani !! Daniel : Hi buddy !! ( Daniel messes deans hair up ) Daniel : Hi Lizzie , zach . Zach : Sup bro ?

Daniel : so how was dallas ? Lizzie : It was a good visit . Zach : Saw old friends. Daniel : Nice , well lets go the guys are waiting for y'all at the house . ( We get our stuff and go to the car )

( We get into the car and Daniel starts driving ) Lizzie : hey dani can you drop me and the kids off at my place ? Daniel : But We made a dinner for yall .. ( He looks at me and frowns ) Lizzie : Ok ok , then just go by my place and we will drop off our things .

Daniel : yay !! ( He looks back at the road and zach laughs ) Zach : why did y'all make dinner ? Daniel : Because yall are finally back !! Zach : What yall make ? Daniel : Trying to make tacos , but we might have to call for pizza ...

Lizzie : why ? Daniel : lets just say that we arent the best cookers ... ( We all laugh ) ( We get to my house and i walk in the house and see Anthony on my couch ) ( i walk back to the car )

Lizzie : roll down the window . ( Zach does so ) Lizzie : Hey , I'll drive alone to y'all house , Take lilo and dean , ill be there in a bit. Zach : ummm ok ? Lizzie : ok bye bye see ya . ( i lean in the car and kiss his cheek )

( they leave and i walk back into my house ) Lizzie : Well hi there Anthony !! ( He turns around and smiles ) Anthony : Hi baby !! ( I look at him and look at what he has in his hands , a beer . )

Lizzie : You are freaking drunk . ( I go and take the beer away from him and throw it away ) Anthony : hey !! I wasnt done with that !!

Lizzie : You are under-age drinking !! You don't need that . ( He comes up to me and wraps his arms around my waist ) Anthony : honey , calm down !!

Lizzie : First of all , don't touch me ! Second of all , dont call me ' honey ' . Anthony : whatever . ( He goes back to the couch and falls asleep )

( I roll my eyes and go put me and the kids bags in their and my rooms ) ( I go back to the living room , I shrug and put a blanket on anthony )

( I go to the kitchen and throw away all of the beer and clean up , I get my car keys and leave ) ( I get to zachs house and walk in ) ( I see lilo chasing corbyn with a pillow and zach On the floor acting dead )

( I go over to Jonah that is in the kicthen ) Lizzie : What is happening exactly ? Jonah : Ok so the pillow is the ' magical pillow ' And if it touches you then you fall asleep .

Lizzie : who made this ? Jonah : Corbyn . Lizzie : And why does lilo have the pillow ? Jonah : Because zach dropped it . Lizzie : why is Zach on the floor ? Jonah : Lilo hit him with the pillow.

Lizzie : and where is Jack , Daniel , and dean ? Jonah : Look in the diner room , and living room. ( I walk to the living room to see jack half way on the couch and then i go to the diner room and see dean on daniels back , hiding behind a chair )

( i go back to the kicthen , and stand by jonah ) ( Still looking at liko chasing corbyn around and around the couch ) Lizzie : So . How did dinner go ?

Jonah : we burnt that like 45 mintues ago so we called for pizza ... Lizzie : ok. How long have they been doing this ? Jonah: For about a good 50 mintues . Lizzie : why arent you playing ?

Jonah : Lilo wants to tag Corbyn first . Lizzie : O , ok . ( I go over to zach and lay next to him ) Lizzie : So , enjoying the floor ? Zach : i cant get up unless the magical Blanket touches me . Lizzie : And where might that be ?

Zach : On corbyns back. Thats why Lilo wants to tag him so she has full power . Lizzie : So dinner died . Zach : yea they burnt it. ( The door bell rings ) Lizzie : i got it.

( i get up and go answer the door ) Peter : o hi lizzie !! Lizzie : Hi peter !! Peter : So you live here ? Lizzie : no. ( i laugh ) Peter : Haha , anyways here is your pizzas . ( He looks down at the pizzas ) Lizzie : o yeah. Hold on one secound.

( i run to Jonah ) Lizzie : i need money !!! Jonah : here is 20 . ( He hands me the money and i go back to the front door ) Peter : Im sorry to ask but what is happening in the house right now ?

Lizzie : they are playing a game . Here is your money !! ( He takes the money and gives me the pizzas ) Lizzie : Well have a nice rest of the night peter !! Peter : You too lizzie. And nice to see ya again !!

Lizzie : nice to see ya too . ( We wave bye and i close the door and go to the kicthen and put down the pizza boxs )

Lizzie : And dinner shall be served .

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