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Zachs P.O.V

( She kisses my cheek and walks off ) Zach : So how about we go to the disney store first and then get mommy a suprise ?

Lilo : Wat suprizew ? Zach : you'll see my cupcake . Lilo : Ima cuwpcakew !! Zach : You're my cupcake . ( She laughs and hugs puts her arms arpund my neck )

( All of a sudden I hear someone scream and i cover lilo's ears and look around in worry ) Lilo : What was thaw ?!

( I keep looking around and see that nothing is wrong but a girl running towards me ) Fan : Your Zach Herron !?!?!

Lilo : Whow isw diws ? Fan : Im a limelight little one . ( Lilo laughs ) Zach : Hi... Fan : My name is Rosa. Zach : Hi rosa . nice to meet you . Rosa : Its very nice to meet you too !!

( Rosa looks at lilo ) Rosa : Who is this cutie ? ( Lilo buries her head in my neck ) Zach : This is .... My baby cousin. ( I lied bc I didnt know if lizzie want the fans to know yet )

Rosa : Aww she is so cute !! Zach : Yeah i love her so much . Rosa : Im sorry to ask but can i get a picture with yall ?

Zach : Yes ! ( She takes out her phone amd almost drops it ) Lilo : Aew we gwoing ro disweny stwore ? Zach : Yes cupcake just hold on .

( Rosa finally gets her phone and takes a picture ) Rosa : Im so sorry for bothering you zach . Zach : Its ok !!

Rosa : Ok well i got to go but i love you byee !! Zach : Bye ! ( Rosa runs off and me and Lilo walk to the disney store )

Lizzies P.O.V

( Me and dean are at the candy store and dean has his own little cart to put all of his candy in ) Lizzie : Baby we cant get so much . Dean : But momwmy ! Lizzie : I would baby but mommy does have so much money .

( Dean makes a pouty face and puts some candy back then I get a text from Zach )

Zach : I transferred some money to your card so you can get dean stuff .

Lizzie : Ok , but how much did you transfer ?

Zach : 80 dollars .

Lizzie : Ok thank you

Zach : You're welcome liz .

( I put my phone back in my pocket and lift up dean ) Lizzie : You are lucky that dada gave me more money.

Dean : Caw i geta mowe candy than ? Lizzie : Just a little bit . ( I put him down and he gets more gummy worms and m&ms ) ( He runs and gets gummy bears )

Lizzie : I thought you didnt like gummy bears .. Dean : I donwt but sister dowes so I get thew fore hwer . Lizzie : Aww youre such a good brother .

( He looks up at me and smiles ) Dean : Ok I gotw hat I waned . Lizzie : ok lets go check out . ( i pick him up and push the cart around myself )

( 7 mintues later ) ( We got out of the candy store and sit on a bench ) Lizzie : Where do you want to go next .

Dean : Buidw aw beaw !! Lizzie : Bulid a bear ? Dean : Yews !! Lizzie : Ok . lEts go. ( I pick him up and he was holding his little bag full of candy )

( I was walking and then someone bumped into me ) ( Dean dropped his candy and the person looked at me and picked up deans candy )

Lizzie : Thank you but i could have gotten it !! ? : No problem . I'm Peter by the way . Lizzie : Im lizzie .

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