The Woods

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Jammy Hood POV-

I was walking through the middle of the woods and looked over to a berry bush, "Oh! Berries! Mommy Ink will like those!" I was happy and I walked over to the bush, hearing a whimpering while I picked the berries. I looked behind me and saw a wolf pup. The wolf wore a hat with ears, a jacket with blue, pink and green, it looked like it was a bit sad too. It wore an orange collar and glasses that said "Woof", the shirt underneath the jacket was a plum purple. "O-oh! Hello there wolf pup!" It whined a bit and looked at the basket that I held. In the basket was some uncooked fish, some meat and some berries that I was just picking. "Hm..." I took an uncooked fish out and held it above the wolf pup, and it suddenly stood on its back feet jumping up and down, begging, "Awwww!! You're adorable~!" I gave it the fish and giggled as it ate. He was hungry~ That's all... Heheh~ I thought to myself.

Fresh Wolf POV-

I ate the fish and swallowed it down in one gulp looking up to this new form, I barked. "Awwww!! You're adorable~!" I heard it say and I yiped running towards a field, "W-wait! Come back! I'm not going to hurt you, I promise!!!" I heard it say as I slowly stopped in the middle of the field, I perked my ears up above the grass and blushed a light blue, hearing a clicking noise. I looked back not seeing that new form of a creature, cocking my head to the side I heard another click. This time... It was behind my head... I whipped around to see....

Jammy Hood POV-

I ran after it and gasped only to see the wolf pup laying on the ground with a tranquilizer dart in its hip as it's body twitched. "KNOCK IT OFF!" I heard a voice as it slowly stopped, the figure picked up the wolf pup and walked into the wood, I ran after the figure and started to see a log cabin. The figure stepping inside and throwing the wolf pup on the ground outside like it was garbage! I gasped and ran to the wolf pup. The figure slammed the door of the log cabin and I heard yelling of two people. I took the basket I had and decided to put the little wolf pup in it under the food. Hopefully mommy Ink and daddy Error don't find out about this.... I thought to myself as I took a breath and walked back to my own log cabin that I lived with Ink and Error. After a little while of walking the sun started to set and I started to run opening the door to my log cabin and closing it softly to make no noise, I went to my room and took the wolf pup out of the basket. Slowly setting it down onto my bed and covering it with my blanket, I went to the kitchen and saw Ink and Error talking calmly to each other. Then they notice me after a minute of me standing there watching them talk sweetly to each other, and I giggled, "I brought this for you Mommy Ink~!" I held out the basket and Ink took it. "Thanks sweety! Now... How was your day outside in the woods today?" Ink wore black oval glasses with a brown hat and a long light brown scarf, almost the color of the rest of his clothes. He held a broom with ink covering the bottom brusls and also wore dark brown gloves, overalls that were brown, and orange black-stripped shoes. "It was good Mommy Ink!!" I said innocently, I knew if Ink and Error found out that I took in a wolf pup they would shoot it in front of my eyes and it would scar my life. How do I know about this? Well I had a pet mouse that Ink didn't know about it and one day she found out, and that was the last of Henry's life... That was the mouse's name. Little Henry, was his name. I didn't dare to tell Error about the little wolf pup that I brought home... "Alright then kiddo.... Ready for dinner?" "But it's not done yet, Error-" "Well too bad babe~" I covered my eye sockets while they kissed passionately. "Ewww..." I didn't want to see them kiss!! Disgusting!! Error laughed at me hiding my eyes from this. "Not funny Daddy Error..." I frowned at him mocking me. "Well too bad kid. Haha" Mm... I started to get sick and I went to my room to calm down.

No one's POV-

After they were done with dinner, Ink and Error went to their room and Jammy Hood went to his room to check on the wolf pup. Jammy Hood took the tranquilizer dart and went to Error, he took care of it but asked a couple of questions about it. Jammy Hood lied but Error didn't know...

Jammy Hood POV-

"Heya little one~! Hehehe~!" I said as the wolf pup yawned. I blushed and rubbed it's ears gently. I yiped suddenly, "H-hey! I- it's alright there... I'm not going to hurt you... I'm here to help you feel better!" It started to calm down and let me rub it's ears gently it barked softly, "Now I need you to be quiet if you want me to help.. Otherwise Error and Ink would hurt you badly that you won't be able to heal from it... Okay wolfy~?" It blushed suddenly and nodded, wait... Nodded? It nodded to me like it knew what I was saying? Impossible! I shrugged it off immediately, "Good!" It stood up and rubbed against me, then sat in my lap. "Aww.. Hehe." I started to pet it and it smiled at me. It likes attention? M-maybe it doesn't have parents... Or siblings... Mm... Now that makes me worried about it... "Bark bark~!" It smiled to me and said in its dog/wolf words. "Hm? What is it?" It pinned me down and I was a bit confused, it started to move its hips back and forth awkwardly. I got even more confused about this, "W-what are you even doing??" The wolf barked as I saw something shiny as the sun reflected a tag on the orange collar. "U-uh... You have an... Owner...?" It shook its head and kept moving its hips weirdly. "Oh.. You just have a name... F-fresh Wolf? That's your name?" It nodded and kept moving its hips, realization hit me like a rock to the head. "Oh... Here." I set a pillow on the side and smiled as it went over to that and started to do the same thing that it did to me. "Mmm..." I looked out the window and there was a flash of purple light behind me. I turned around to look back at where the wolf pup was, but he wasn't there...


Fresh Newly: Like this cliffhanger?! Come back soon to read more! :33 I should be posting as much as possible!

PaperJam Drawing: Yeah sure... Whatever nerd...

Fresh Newly: D:<

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