The Heat

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~No One's Pov~

It has been ten years later, Jammy Hood and Fresh Wolf were sitting on their couch. They had bought a brand new home out in the woods, close to Error and Ink's home but not too close since they still wanted their privacy. For years, Jammy had turned Fresh Wolf down from having sex. For... Obvious reasons. Today was a day away from all of the wolves heats to start, and Jammy completely forgot. Not realizing the signs of his heat, and definitely not seeing nor hearing them.

Fresh, for the past week, had been humping body pillows, chewing up toys so that he could mate with them, and so much more. Most of it was in front of Jammy! Of course he didn't make any noises unless he was alone without Jammy in the house, and he got loud when Jammy wasn't in the house. He would yelp and howl out Jammy's name, absolutely needing his mate.

He and Jammy had been married for three years, however it felt so much longer than that. After trying to have sex with Jammy that one night, he hasn't tried since. He knew that it would hurt Jammy if he tried again, so he knew his boundaries when it comes to touchy subjects.

Jammy would let Fresh snuggle and cuddle him, since Fresh's fur was very soft it made him a very snuggly puppy. Even though Fresh Wolf wasn't a part of his herd. He was about to be soon.

~Fresh's Pov~

Ugh... It's so hot... One of these times I need to tell Jammy how I feel... He doesn't even know that I'm in heat, or does he? He doesn't act like he knows... He's still just as snuggly just like usual. I thought, rubbing my eyes a bit and holding a pillow over my own lap to keep the tent hidden from Jammy. How have I been fooling him this entire time? It can't even be possible. He's so sweet and innocent... I thought once again.

"Ahem... Uh, Jammy? Do you think you can get me a glass of water, angel?" I said in a soft tone, trying to not have my voice crack or break in the middle of it. "Of course! Ice cubes in it as well?" He looked at me with those sweet, tempting, adorably innocent eyes. "Yes, with a lime slice on the side of the glass, please." This feels like heaven... I thought. Jammy nodded and left me alone to get the glass of water, I sighed once he left and I quickly hid myself under a blanket. "O-okay... Let's make this quick.." I hesitated, but I started to hump the pillow. Biting my lower lip as I moaned softly, the TV should be able to cover my moans thankfully.

I continued this motion to try and make myself cum. However I heard Jammy moving towards the living room, where I was in. I panicked and put my face out of the blanket, bright blue blush across my face. My body felt so hot, I needed Jammy. I needed him so bad. I snuggled into the blanket as Jammy came out and walked over to me, snuggling into my side as soon as he sat on the couch next to me. He gave me my drink and I grabbed it softly, gently kissing his forehead and thanking him before taking a sip. Ah... That's so much better.. I sighed happily after I swallowed the sip of water.

~Jammy's Pov~

Something's off about him. This always happens around the same time every year... But what is it? I checked the date, confused as I stared at the calendar. Tomorrow was Easter. Huh... I guess around every Easter he acts weird. Wonder why. I looked outside, the snow was melting, and spring was just around the corner. Spring is my favorite time of year, the babies are starting to come into the world. The baby deer, the baby squirrels, and the baby bunnies. Oh how I love baby bunnies. I thought in my mind, sighing and smiling as I thought of the little bunnies hopping around with their momma's. Speaking of, I should probably see Momma Ink tomorrow and wish her a Happy Easter.

I looked at him and studied his body behavior, it still seemed... So off... Why? I continued to ask myself why he was acting like this before he shifted and I saw something glow blue through the thin blanket. My Momma always told me about heat... Maybe that's what he's experiencing all of this time? I looked him up and down, starting to think of what I could do to help.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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