Burnt Tail

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(I know this sounds bad... But it's not, trust me.

Okay maybe a little--)

~December 24th, 8:37:38 PM~

Fresh Wolf POV~

   Wow, can you believe it?? It's almost Christmas!~ Ink and Error still don't know I'm here... Hehehe. I barked to Paperjam, my tail wagging happily. "Bark!~" "Are you excited Freshy? I am!~ What do you think Sansta will get me this year?" She asked me.

   It has been 3 years and 9 months since I've lived with Paperjam, and yes yes... It's going to turn 2020 this coming up year. Pj has kept me a secret for 3 years and almost 4!~ I looked up at Pj and yawned, stretching slowly, She keeps me up every Christmas just to see Sansta, we haven't seen this fat, red covered, jolly old man yet. So this'll be interesting if we get to see him!~

Error POV~

   Welp, here goes nothin'. We've done this every year... I'm surprised that Pj hasn't found out yet. But she seems to be hiding something from us, and I don't like it. That stupid mouse got what he deserved, I hear howling every night from Pj's room. I hope it's not another dog or wolf.

   "Hey Kiky?" I looked at my beautiful wife, "Yes Ruru?" "What do you think is in Pj's room?" I asked. "Well, it doesn't bother me right now since we have to get gifts for Jammy." "Right..." I hated going Christmas shopping.. all of the nice people saying 'Merry Chrrrrrriiiisssttttmmmmaaaaassssss!' or 'Happy Holidays!~' it made shivers go down my spine as I walked into a decked out shopping place.

   Well, I do it for my Kiky. No other reason- Actually... For Jammy too. "*Gasp* Ruru! Look at this!~" Ink showed me this-- What even IS this??? It's so weird! "It's sooo cuuutteee!" Ink squealed like a little girl. Heh, she's cute sometimes.. But seriously?! What is this!!

 But seriously?! What is this!!

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Yuck... (Sorry the picture is sideways!)

Why Kiky...


~December 25th, 5:12:45 AM~

Ink POV~

   "GET UP!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!" Pj jumped onto us. Ruru groaned and hid into the darkness of the pillows and blankets that surrounded us, I yawned and stretched. "Why do you want to get up this early..?" Ruru asked Pj, hugging me closer. "BECAUDE IT'S CHRISTMMAAAAASSSSSSSSS!!!" Jammy bounced on us, smiling cutely. "Fine... I'm up. Ruru, please, get up too." I slipped out of bed and into my slippers yawning slowly. Rurur groaned and hid back underneath the blankets. "Fine. I won't be able to give you your gift." I smirked as I walked out the door, Ruru yelped and fell out of bed. Jammy and I giggled.


Fresh Wolf POV~

   FIRE!!! ITS ON FIRE!!!!! I yowled in pain as I ran around the living room, I had gotten to close to the fire... A wee bit too close... I heard footsteps down the stairs and I ran into the kitchen, I ran into the cupboards and I patted my tail until the fire went down. I sighed and relaxed. "Why does it smell like burnt meat in here, Jammy?" I heard Ink ask Jammy.

   "Uhm.. I'm not sure." I heard Jammy replied. "Hm.. Is that ash trailed into the kitchen?" Ink walked into the kitchen and followed my trail. I whimpered and shook, "Wait mommy--" But it was too late...

~December 25th, 9:37:27 AM~

No one's POV~

   Ink sighed and nodded, "Fine, he can stay.." Pj squealed and held Fresh Wolf close, smiling happily. "Yay!! Thank you Mommy!!" Error groaned and came down the stairs, "What's all the happiness abou-" He saw Fresh Wolf and his eyes turned into slits, "Wut..." "It's not what it looks like, Daddy Error!" Pj yelped softly. Fresh Wolf whimpered and his ears go down.

   "Ruru... I told Jammy that she can keep him. It's be nice for her to have someone to talk to." Ink smiled towards Error, her eyes sparkled, "Would you like your gift now?" Error grumbled and sat next to Ink with a cup of coffee, he sipped it and shrugged. "Sure..." He yawned out. Ink smiled and gave Error his gift from her. "Can I shake it?" He asked. "No, Ruru... Sorry." She smiled slyly...



   A lot of people asked for this so I decided to just give it to them. You're welcome for the people who requested the third part!~

   See you guys and gals!~ <3

Love ~FreshyBean~

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