Prompt #1 Luca

17 4 2

Freedom In Hell

One evening, a portal to Hell opens at the foot of my bed. A demon strides through, rips off my covers, and begins to drag me through the portal by my ankles saying, "You're going to help me settle a bet."

"You need a human for a bet, in Hell?" The demon turns toward me, surprise molds on to his human-like features. For my first time seeing a demon, a very handsome looking demon, I'm taking it very well.

"You're not scared, you don't fear me. Why?" Stereotypical, a girl gets scared by a demon, not with the way he looks. He resembles a human, only with a black crown of horns and white jagged wings.

"'Cause of your looks. Even though you're dragging me by my ankles, I find you charming. Somehow, you captivate me." We make it into Hell after I rendered Mr. Demon speechless. "So, what's this bet?" He stares at me as if I asked how babies were made. "What? The bet is the reason I'm here. So, tell me why."

He scratches his hair around his horns. "I'll let Lucifer explain it to you. Landon might think I used your question to get ahead." The king of Hell is chaperoning Landon and his bet.

"Oh, my name is Ashly. What's yours?" Yet again he gives me a weird look.

"Why would you want to know my name?" He's smart, questions cancel out questions. But I'm not giving up.

"Who knows, I might need help. I need to know your name to call you by." Seeing that he isn't one to warm up to people normally, getting anything human from him is going to be a challenge. I take a deep breath about to say something else.

"Legion, my name is Legion."

Another demon strides toward us, "Legion, nice girl ya' choose."

By the way he walks and talks, he must be Landon. "Hello Landon, and if you did not see that Legion and I were just having a conversation, that didn't involve you." Legion and Landon share a look while I stand there, getting fed up with the lack of information they haven't told me.

"So, are you guys going to tell me why I'm needed for this bet, or can I go home? 'Cause whatever you two plan to do, is not concerning' me."

"Dude, ya' choose a feisty one. How did you come across her house?"

Still, not liking the way Landon is talking about me, "Tell me the freaking bet or I'm going to leave. Landon, I'm not liking you so far." Landon's face turns ghost white as the Legion bursts out laughing.

"Good luck winning the bet now, Landon. Okay Ashly, the bet is-"

Legion was about to tell me what the bet was, when Landon interrupts, "The bet is, who can win you over first."

Now, it's my turn to die laughing. "You two think I can fall in love with the people who kidnapped me? Well, you're hilarious, being twenty-two and never fell in love. All I have to say is good luck."

"Haven't you heard of Stockholm Syndrome?" Legion says after my little speech. Since he said it and not Landon, I actually think about it.

"I guess you're not wrong, but it's going to take more effort from one of you." I look away from both demons to see the details of Hell. It was nothing I had imagined before, an endless fire. But what I didn't expect was burnt orange sand, burning trees, a red lake, a sandstone cliff, and a waterfall. I never would have thought that Hell would be breathtaking.

"Why wouldn't people want to come here? It's beautiful." I question aloud, but it was not targeted at anyone. But to my surprise, a demon, who didn't look like Legion or Landon, answered.

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