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I think that I might have weirded the boy out with my staring. I mean I wasn’t trying to like do anything weird like stalking him or anything. I was just walking to get my crappy lunch (that I wasn’t going to eat anyway) and I saw him just sitting by himself looking all depressed and crap. I don’t care about him, I was just curious about why these kids were talking to him.

He looked scared, to be honest.
My girlfriend Allison came up and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled a really forced smile, that I hoped she wouldn’t notice. She didn’t. She goes back to sit with her friends and when I look up again, the boy ’s gone.

A few hours later the school day is over. I’m showered with “goodbyes” and “have a good night” I fake smile through all of them, when really I just want to be left alone. I walk out and unfortunately, it’s raining.  

Lightning strikes somewhere. People are running and umbrellas are popping up everywhere. I pop up my umbrella and wait for Demetri.
Suddenly, Allison walks up to me and kisses me. This time not on the cheek. For some reason, I want this moment to end. I break apart from her and pretend to breathe heavily.

“I couldn’t breath!” I tell her.

She smiles. “My deepest apologies, my love.”

She walks over to me again, but fortunately, her Lyft comes.

She frowns. “We shall continue this tomorrow, but for now goodbye.” she blows me a kiss and gets into the car and she’s gone.
I look at my phone to see what time it is. It’s 2:27.

Where is Demetri? I ask myself.

Almost as if the phone could read my mind I get a text from Demetri. He says to meet him at North Graham Street at 5:30.  I text him okay and begin walking. About three minutes later. I’m at North Graham Street waiting for Demetri. I’m standing around getting really impatient really fast. I tap my foot splashing water all on the ground.

I see someone coming over here. I try to make out who it is but, I can’t see through the rain. The figure gets closer and I can see who it is clear. It’s that boy. He doesn’t have an umbrella or anything. His whole body is soaked and his clothes are sticking to his body. His hair is sticking to his head.

He looks so pitiful, just standing there getting soaked. It’s just pathetic.
I walk towards him and he looks confused. He stops walking and he looks at me with an intense stare. I walk up to him and put the umbrella over his head so that way we both are under it. He seems shocked by the gesture and opens his mouth to say something, but he decides against it.

I look at him. “What’s your name?” I ask him. My voice sounds bored.

He glances at me. “Gabriel,” he says quietly.

I look down at him since I’m taller than him.

“I’m Logan.”

I think he smiles, but I can’t really tell. What a weirdo.
He looks up at me with a blank look on his face

“Why are you helping me?” he asks.

“Because you need it.”

He’s silent.
Suddenly a group of kids walk up to us. I didn’t even hear them.

“May I help you?” I ask them.

Gabriel steps out from under the umbrella and stands beside one of the kids. He hangs his head and looks at the ground  
The leader comes up in front of my face and speaks.

“Oh, look! It’s Mr. Logan! What are you doin with our little buddy? He asks.

His breath smells like shit.

“It doesn’t look like he’s your buddy,” I say calmly.

He doesn’t scare me. I’ve had to face worse people than him.

“Look here, Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean that nothing bad can happen to you. So stay out of my business. okay? ” he pats my cheek and walks away.

I stand still for a second processing what just happened. That little freak show just touched my face with his dirty hands.

Now, there are two options for this situation:

I can just let it slide and move on with my day. Or I can just beat the shit out of this dude.
I decide to go with option two.

I throw down my umbrella, run up behind the boy and kick him in the back,  just as Demetri pulls up in my limo. He falls back and looks at me with surprise. Just because I’m a rich white kid doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fight and defend myself.

I look over to where the kid is and is and see that he’s getting the shit beat out of him. He’s getting kicked and stepped on.

I hear Demetri’s footsteps and he yells my name.

“Logan! What are you doing?”

I turn around and I see his figure in the rain. I got so distracted I didn’t notice that the big guy has crept up on me. He punches me in my mouth and I fall back. I touch my lip and there’s a lot of blood. I lick my lips and I can taste the salty taste of my blood.

I get up and I sock the kid in the eye.  He covers it and tries to swing at me. It connects, but before I fall I sweep my leg under him and he falls on his back.
I swear to God, the Earth shook.
Demetri yells my name again. I ignore it. I can hear his footsteps getting closer.

I get up again, but it’s hard. I look back at Gabriel and see that one of the kids has picked him up and throws him toward me. He slams into my stomach and I fall onto my back and slide a few feet. He groans and tries to get up but just falls again.

Just as the leader comes charging towards me, a huge bolt of lightning hits me and Gabriel.
He rolls off me and screams in pain. I into a puddle and lay there silently. A weird and warm sensation comes over my body, cutting off all my senses.
The last thing that I see and remember is Demetri screaming to call 911.

Roles Reversed (Labriel)Where stories live. Discover now