
17 1 0

Some of you might have something against Logan after reading this chapter

"Master Archer, we've arrived home." someone says quietly.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and get out of the limo. My butler/ bodyguard, Demetri walks ahead of me. I look up at the house as we walk to the steps.

It's a really tall and wide estate with white columns. It's full of hi-tech devices and is practically dripping in gold and silver. It's called the Raindrop Estate for reasons that I can not explain.

We reach the top of the stairs, and Demetri puts his hand on a scanner and it analyzes his hand. A green light flashes and multiple doors open at once making a way into the foyer.

We walk into the room, our shoes clicking on the hardwood floor. The foyer could probably fit an entire house in it with no problem.

There is a big diamond and crystal chandelier that shines brightly when the light hits it. There are also a lot of couches and sofas made of the softest material I have ever felt. It smells like cigarettes.  I make my way to a set of stairs, that lead the way to my room.

"Master Archer?" Demetri says.

I turn around "Yeah?"

"Would you like to see your mother, or call your father?" he asks timidly.

I get immediately annoyed, and my left eye starts to twitch. But, I regain my composure.

"I'll talk to my Mom if she wishes to see my, and I refuse to even hear my Dads voice," I reply.

He pauses " But Master Archer, don't you think that you could talk to him at least a little bit?"

My hand starts twitching and I have to restrain myself from punching him dead in his face.

"You are merely my butler and bodyguard. Do NOT forget your place, understood?" I ask

He bows his head "Yes sir."

I continue up the stairs. I really didn't mean to pull the Command Card, but he of all people know that I'm very sensitive when it comes to my Mom and Dad. I wish that I was at school.

It's the only place that i can not worry about my family or how the hell I'm going to feed myself. I walk down a hallway that has velvet walls and go into my room with the door closed. I flop onto my bed and think about school.

I don't really care about school. If I'm going, to be honest, I don't really care about anyone. Call me cruel or whatever, but the world is an asshole. My stomach lets a monstrous growl. I roll over on my bed trying to sit up, but I rolled to far and I end up banging my head on the floor.

"Damn, that hurt," I mumble under my breath.

I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen. There's a big island in the middle of the room and there are marble counters. It's really white. So white it seems as if the room is shining. I could just order a pizza, but I've been eating that for almost two weeks, so I'm sick of it.

I look in the cabinets and find some noodles and tomato sauce. I take the items out and set them on the counter.
Then, I find a decent sized pot, put it on the stovetop and pour in the noodles. I put a little salt in it. I leave it to boil and go find some chips, even though dinner's cooking.

Minutes later, I'm sitting on top of the island, eating some Jalapeno Cheetos, scrolling through Instagram. I have almost 230 million followers. A lot of them are people from school, but the majority of them are fans of me and my family.
My Dad is a music artist and a movie star. I've been I a lot of his videos (against my will) I've played in a bunch of movies. ( over the summer) I posted a picture yesterday of me "doing homework" and that got 50,000 likes.

My girlfriend commented on my picture saying that she loves me. I type I love her too but it feels like empty words.
Like I'm supposed to say it no matter what. I hear footsteps approaching and I lower my phone. It's Demetri. He's still dressed in his suit and tie with dress shoes.

I hop down from the island, shove some Cheetos into my mouth, and start draining the water from the noodles.

"You know Demetri, you don't always have to wear a formal outfit everywhere you go," I tell him.He seems a little surprised by my statement.

"Well, you want me to walk around in shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops?" he laughs.

I add the tomato sauce to the noodles and start mixing them.

"Look, all I'm saying is that there's no reason for you to dress properly because there is nothing proper about this family." I say

" Dad has been gone since I was 12, I'm 17 and he's a drinker. Mom smokes and hardly ever comes downstairs. And, I'm... I just don't know."

He's silent. I pull out two plates.

"So is Mom going to see me?" I ask smirking.

He pauses " She says that she is feeling unwell and that....."


Glass shards are all in the cabinets and on the counter.

I was clenching the plate so tight I broke it. My hand starts bleeding. Fast. I can feel the glass in my hand. There's a lot. My blood starts dripping on the floor. I don't cry or start going crazy or anything.
As a matter of fact, I feel nothing. I'm just numb. Demetri springs into action. He sidesteps the glass and my growing pool of blood. Then he inspects my hand.

"You might have to get stitches," he says.


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