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You let out a pained noise as you lifted the final over-filled box. It balanced on your forearms as you made your way to the front door; the empty off-white walls had become so familiar to you that it would be strange not to see them anymore after today. You looked over your shoulder one last time - a bittersweet feeling filled your heart but you knew that this chapter of your life was over and you had to turn the page to the next one.

Your university days had come to an end, you had received your well-earned degree, and you were ready to move out of your student home into a new place.

"Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice call, which pulled you back into reality, your attention was suddenly drawn to your two friends in the car parked just outside. "That's the last one, right? Quickly put it in the back and we can make our way to the new house."

Your mouth hung open for a moment before you suddenly snapped back into work-mode. You struggled to balance the box as you shut the door, locking it and pushing it lightly to confirm that it was definitely locked. After placing the box in the back of the car - which was almost bursting with all your belongings - you hopped into the front passenger seat and were greeted with smiles from your friends; Ash, who was in the driver's seat, and Lee, who was in the back set hanging their arms over the headrests of the front seats.

"All set?" Ash asked, which you responded to with a nod. And with that, you were off to your new home.


The young adult bounced with excitement and nerves as the clock ticked down. Everyone around him seemed rushed and restless. Even his six closest friends seemed anxious, though all of this was nothing new to him, or to any of them.

The screams and shouts of the expecting fans could be heard loud and clear from where they were stood and last-minute vocal warm ups seemed to be universal. It was common for Jimin's head to rush with nerves, doubts, excitement, and any other emotion that could add to the roller coaster, though it was this city that made him think deeper this time.

His eyes wandered the corners of the room, along with his thoughts as his mind went through hundreds of different scenarios at once.

"Jimin." The leader's low voice called, bringing him back to reality. His eyes were quickly drawn to the taller man, along with the other members. "All set?"

That simple confirmation reminded Jimin that he needed to concentrate on the concert - that was more important right now. He took a deep breath and nodded, and after one last pep-talk, they were getting into their places for the first song.

As the lights faded and the music came to a stop everything around him seemed to slow down. The anticipation was killing him - not just because he was waiting for the music to start, but because he couldn't help but wonder if she was there.

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