Chapter 5

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You sat down opposite a well-dressed employee. The interview room was larger than you had expected and the walls were decorated with neutral-coloured paints, photographs and art pieces. It was much the same as you were making your way to the room. Along corridors and filling the spaces of large rooms were some interesting decorations, as well as a few pieces of album art of the various artists under BigHit.

The interviewer greeted you with a smile and a friendly handshake as you sat.

"Good morning, Y/N, thank you for accepting our offer." he began, "Now, I can imagine you have a few questions about what the project is, and how closely we would like to work with you. I'm going to explain as much as I can in this interview and there will be plenty of time for you to ask any questions of your own - either about the project or the company."

You silently nodded along as he revealed the project details to you. "A music video?" you thought, "that sounds like it would be a fun project." 

"Now, I can see on my notes here that you're an artist but you have no examples of animation on your website." he said as he peered at the paper in front of him, "Considering that it will be a music video we are looking for someone who is talented in animation, but we reached out to you specifically, despite not knowing if you do animation, because we think that your style most suits the feel of the song."

"Animation should not be a problem." you said, "I know the technicalities of animation, I simply do not do much commission work for it - more as a hobby." 

That was half the truth, at least. You did do it as a hobby...a few years ago. You had not done any form of animation in a long time, and there was no guarantee that you could remember everything if you returned to animation. You really did not feel good about lying, but you also really did not want to miss out on this opportunity. A pleased smile came to his face.

"That is great news. Now, I left this for last, just until I knew that animation was all good for you," he started, "since we have a few other animators that we are interested in commissioning, there will be a sort of competition for the four of you to compete in. Each of you will hear the first thirty seconds of the song in question and your job is to create an animation short that you think would suit the song. A month today is the deadline, and on that day the four clips will be shown and judged by the artists that this music video is for and they will decide which one they like the most. And to just reassure you; whether you are chosen or not you will be paid for your services, but only the chosen animator will continue to work with us."

You were taken aback for a moment. You had not expected this at all. A competition? You assumed that this interview was only for them to even consider commissioning you, but it was essentially a briefing for a commission.

"If you have any questions, please do ask." he said, hoping to break the silence.

"Ah-yes." you had just realised that you had a shocked expression on your face this entire time. "I have a few questions: you have said that this is a music video, but you haven't revealed which artist or group it is for, may I know beforehand?"

"Oh of course! It is for our group BTS. It was actually one of their seven members that requested we commission you in the first place. From what I hear, everyone was quite impressed with your work."

You could not stop the butterflies in your stomach. It was not exactly common to find out that a celebrity was a fan of your work. Plus, he had already answered your second question.

"Will that be all?" he asked.

A sudden wave of motivation came to you.

"Of course. I'm happy to work with you."

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