Chapter 6

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The seven boys packed up their belongings after finishing up practice once again. It had been a week since the meeting about the music video and today was the day that the animators of interest would come to hear the clip for the first time. The idea to have a sort of competition came from the seven of them. Since they could not come to a unanimous agreement, and the fact that they were not sure if one of them was an animator at all, it seemed the most logical to see a little bit of work from the four of them and come to a decision that way.

All of them would have to make a short thank you speech at the end of the meeting. This was to show their willingness to work with the final chosen animator, and it would simply be rude and illogical not to show up to a meeting that involved one of their own music videos. They were all a little nervous to say something unique, but since it was such a small audience they did not dwell on it too much. Well, all of them except for one.

Jimin had almost forgotten about the fact that he had brought up Y/N as a recommendation. It was not until now that he realised that he would most likely be meeting whoever she was. He had taken a look at her website himself in the meantime. He did not recognise the artwork at all, but when he read her full name on the "about me" page he could have sworn he knew who she was.

Before they headed to the meeting, they all made a stop at their dorm for a shower and an outfit change. As Jimin waited for his turn in the shower he picked out what clothes he would wear. It would have to be mostly smart, with a hint of casual. He enjoyed picking out outfits from time to time, and this was definitely one of those times. He had enough time on his hands to not just pick out an outfit, but also look through some old clothes he had forgotten about. He explored his wardrobe as if he were searching for Easter eggs. Each item of clothing he pulled out filled him with nostalgia and memories, and then there was one item of clothing that caught his eye.

It was a hoodie. Not branded, or colourful, or with a pattern. Just a hoodie. It did not look out of the ordinary by far, but it struck a cord with Jimin. This particular hoodie was one he had bought a few years ago but he could not recall why.

He pulled it off of the hanger and felt it in his fingers before sitting on the edge of his bed. It was clearly well-worn and he could remember wearing it a lot back then. As he recalled back to the time when he bought it he remembered that it was because it reminded him of a friend. 

That's when the feeling of deja vu came back. Whoever this friend was, he knew it was someone he cared a lot about, so why was the name escaping him so easily? He thought of anything that might help jog his memory and the first thing that came to mind was his phone. He took out the mobile device, making sure to still keep the hoodie close to his chest, and looked through the recent messages. The names of close friends and family filled the screen. It had to be one of these people, right? He thought. Yet, despite having lots of great memories with all of these names, none of them seemed to bring back the same feeling he got from looking at the hoodie.

Instead, he had another thought. This friend was from a few years back, right? That might mean that he deleted the conversation but could still have their number. He quickly switched to the contacts app and scrolled through the countless names. This was not very efficient and it was likely that he was unknowingly skimming over names without realising, instead he decided to use the search function. He typed in a few names of old friends that he did not talk to much at all anymore - some were there and some were not - but none of them were the obvious cause of this feeling. 

That's when he decided to type "Y/N" in.

His heart rate quickened, butterflies grew in his stomach, and a feeling of warmth came over him. It was her. "Y/N L/N" written clearly right in front of him. This was definitely the person causing this feeling, the same name as the artist and the same name he had heard at the coffee shop...and who was most likely going to be at the meeting today.

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