pollution can affect our average lifespan in the future. This will not only affect us, but many children we have in the future. that also goes for animals who are also extremely affected by man made pollution as well. i think that if we don't make changes soon, our natural resources will be all used up, and we will have to look for substitutes (which won't be very easy). if we continue to poison our world, some of our food will be contaminated, causing more sicknesses and diseases.
-SophieGlobal warming. Too slow moving to even notice so people take advantage and living there life engorging the fact that we are only making our earth worse but instead of helping they shove it to the backs of their minds, putting future generations lives at risk.
I feel it is important to make decisions that won't only benefit you but will also benefit future generations.
I think something that needs to happen more is getting the idea of global warming in the heads of kids, to teach them how serious it is that we help the environment and to make good decisions for the future!
Sachbücherthis is the point of views of many different students about the earths situation.