Welcome to The Valley

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       I shut my suitcase, make sure it's latched, and run for it. I shoot out the front door, not caring to lock it, and zoom down the sidewalk toward the nearest bus stop. I slow my running to a jog, then to a fast walk, then eventually I bring myself to a full stop. There's nobody else waiting at the bus stop I noticed while looking around for a bus. I feel the sweat dripping from my forehead and begin to stress out. This is why I need my own vehicle! It doesn't even have to have four wheels! I could have gotten to grandpa's house even with this huge suitcase with me on a bike! I look up and down the road again, cars and trucks honking and whirring as they pass by the vacant bus stop I'm stood at. I go to look down the road one last time before calling someone and spot the bus. I let out a huge sigh of relief and impatiently pace until the bus arrives. The bus pulls up and I step in

      "Listen, I need to get to my grandfather's house ASAP." I slide the bus driver the neighborhood name, put some change in, and take a seat on the bus.

      Surprisingly, there are not many other people here. I put my suitcase on the ground near me and lean back in my seat. I wipe off the sweat dripping down my forehead with my shirt and try to control my breathing and heart rate. I can feel the bus driver taking my request very seriously because she's swerving down the road like a madwoman. I mean, it's either she's taking my request seriously, or she really wants me off this bus. I see that we're quickly approaching the bus stop closest to the neighborhood and I grab my suitcase and get ready to dash out those doors. The bus driver slows down and stops at the bus stop. Before anyone gets on, I shove everyone out of my way and run down the sidewalk and into the neighborhood. Thankfully, grandpa's house isn't too far within the neighborhood. I run down the winding sidewalk and approach his house quickly. I run up to the house, up the stairs, and knock on the door. My mom, who I haven't seen in years, opens up the door.

      "Patrick!" she exclaims while extending her arms out to hug me "Come inside, come inside! You're grandpa's in his room."

      It was so weird not having grandma open the door, even though it's been almost five years since she's passed. I put my suitcase down in the living room and make my way down the hallway to grandpa's room. I knock on the door and open it slowly. The room is dark and I can hear shuffling inside.

      "Patrick?" I hear a weak voice call from inside

      "Grandpa?" I respond back, softly.

      I enter the room and nod and smile to the nurse who's helping grandpa out. I look around and see all the medical equipment the nurse has brought and frown at the thought of losing grandpa. I walk to grandpa's side and squat down. His Yoba cross is hung up above his bed and the fireplace is dimly lit.

      "Grandpa," I start "You know I rarely get to see you and this is how you spend your vacation away from home?" I let out a small laugh while tears roll down my face, while he smiles with his eyes closed.

      "Patrick, my grandson," grandpa starts "You see that envelope on the table there?" I look over at the bedside table and see the sealed envelope


      "I want you to take it. However, do not open it just yet. Now listen, there will come a day when you feel crushed by this burden your modern life brings you," I frown at his statement "and your bright spirit will fade before a growing emptiness." he shakily breathes between sentences "When that happens, my son, you will be ready for what lays inside that envelope." grandpa pats my hand that's lying on his blanket. "Now, let grandpa rest."

      "Of course, I love you, grandpa." I manage to let out with tears streaming down my face

      "I love you too, son." he says before taking his hand off of mine.

      I stand up and kiss his forehead. I stand over him, sobbing. The nurse comes over and hugs me. She lets go and grabs onto my shoulders. With tears rolling down her face as well, she looks me in the eyes and smiles. She wipes the tears from my eyes and goes back to work. I look at the bedside table and take the envelope. I leave the room quietly and enter back into the living room.

      "Mom?" I ask

      "Yeah, honey?" she responds

      "Could I have a ride back to my place? I thought I'd want to stay here for a few days, but it doesn't look like I need to." she covers her mouth, runs over to me, and wraps her arms around me. I hear her sobbing on my shoulder and I can't help but let loose again.

      After a long time standing there and sobbing, we finally let go and she nods "Yeah, I'll take you home."

      Mom holds up her finger and walks down the hallway to grandpa's room. I hear part of a whispered conversation. It just sounds like my mom was thanking the nurse. I grab my suitcase and walk to the door. I hear mom close behind me as she goes to grab her purse and keys. I open the door and she walks out behind me, closing and locking it. We get in her car and she drives me back home.

      I walk up the steps to my townhouse and wave back to mom. I grab my keys and unlock the door. I walk in and over to my bedroom. I throw my suitcase on the bed and take the envelope out of my pocket. I look at the seal and rub my eyes. The seal is of what looks to be an apple, but with eyes, legs, and arms. I chuckle and put it in my drawer. I unpack my suitcase and throw it back under my bed. I lay down and try to process what had happened today.

      I continue my same work schedule for the next few months, blankly doing what I'm told and resting when I'm allowed to by Joja. Until one day. Everything just clicks. I sit at my desk inside my cubicle. I brought the envelope grandpa gave me before he passed to work with me one day and left it in a drawer here. I stop my task and begin to look for the envelope. I find it and place it on my keyboard. I take a long, deep breath. I quickly rip off the seal and open the envelope. Inside lays a note from grandpa. It reads:

      "Dear Patrick,

            If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of change.

            The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So, I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belonged to. I've enclosed the deed to that place... my pride and joy: my farm! It's located in Stardew Valley, on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your life fresh.

            This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, my son. Good luck.


      That was it, that's what set the spark a flame. I put the note back into the envelope and put it in my pocket. I took an old cardboard box from under my desk and started shoving my things inside. When I finished, I marched out of my cubicle and to the boss' office. I placed down my box and quit, without hesitation. I marched out of that building feeling a weight being lifted off of my shoulders. I took the bus home and began to pack my clothes and precious things. I take my suitcases in hands, phone in one pocket, envelope in the other. I open the front door and look back at my home. I smile and shut the door behind me. I hop on the city bus and begin the trip to Stardew Valley. The bus ride is long, but I fall asleep for a really good portion of it. By the time I wake up, I look out the window and see a big sign reading: "Welcome to Stardew Valley's Pelican Town!" I rub my eyes and straighten up as we head through a dark tunnel. We leave the tunnel and the bus begins to slow down. The bus comes to a complete stop and I get up. I look around and see one other person get up. She has really bright blonde hair, has multiple shopping bags, and is on the phone. She walks past me and out past a red-headed woman. I walk out of the bus and am greeted by that same red-headed woman.

      "You must be Patrick!" the woman says "My name's Robin. Welcome to The Valley!"

Thank you to my proofreaders, Jailin, Cailin, Hannah, Victoria, and Zoe. Thank you to Jai for leaving those notes to space out the dialogues; it's new to me so it looks a bit off to me but lol, I think it's a cool change though.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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