The End | King VS Queen

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Irene was at her locker. She opened it and a letter fell out. It was a short letter with beautiful handwriting but the words weren't very surprising.

Meet me on the rooftop at lunch. Take nobody with you.

She shrugged it off. But Seulgi kept bothering her to find a permanent boyfriend. Finally, she gave in and went to the rooftop at lunch. It was actually a rainy day but Irene didn't care. There was a single candle on the small table and a man next to it. A man named Jeon Jungkook.


"Hmm?" Jungkook hummed.

"Did you tell me to come here?"



"Miss Bae Ju-Hyun aka Irene, the Queen. I think we both felt this feeling. A feeling we can't get rid off. Love. Do you feel it?"


"Irene, I think I've fallen in love with you."

Irene didn't know what to do. Jungkook stood up and walked closer to Irene.

"Do you feel it?"

Then Irene felt soft lips on hers. Not a rough but slow and passionate kiss. Fortunately Irene responded, saying that she does feel it. She pulled away.

"I do feel it, Jeon Jungkook."

King VS Queen

The End.

But wait. There's still Jungkook part! It took Jungkook long enough to find out he loved Irene.

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